looking for a movie title


greetings everyone.

i cant remember the movies name, but can remember the scene :

a middle aged lady is having an argument with her husband or friend in their house, she is wearing very little. he storms out of the house. next minute, there's a knock at the door and she answers. there is a college student standing outside, he is asking for donations for some charity or school event or something, she invites him in as she goes to the kitchen or some other room to find her wallett. their temperatures are rising, and in a short time they are passionately making love on the table. any ideas ?

Heidi (1937)
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

reservoir dogs circa 1881
ive seen the film its live nude girls with kim cattrall and the guy could be from house series not 100% on him though

ive seen the film its live nude girls with kim cattrall and the guy could be from house series not 100% on him though
yep, thats definetly it. thanks a lot

A system of cells interlinked

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

reservoir dogs circa 1881
freakish coincidence kim cattrall who starred in the film marcoclimax was looking for was actually in a heidi film

freakish coincidence kim cattrall who starred in the film marcoclimax was looking for was actually in a heidi film
there was a movie with Dakota Fanning called "Hounddog" that caused an uproar.

Sounds hot, Creepazoid.
funny enough Mr Pike, i read that on a family site forum, and i actually made a post thinking it was an adult movie forum, so you probably can guess how dumb i felt after realising that i was posting on a family site.

freakish coincidence kim cattrall who starred in the film marcoclimax was looking for was actually in a heidi film
Say what? I've read your post over 10 times now and I still have no idea what you're talking about. Could you please rephrase yourself?

Do you mean Live Nude Girls has a similar scene to Heidi, the one Marco was looking for?
"I'm a man." "Not everybody's perfect!" - Some Like It Hot