Favorite Action Movie


Expendables 2 was just released which reminds me of the past great action films. My all time favorite action film is Terminator 2. Let me know if you think there is something else that tops T2. Lets have a debate. I dare you.

Check out my blog: thehollerinhog.blogspot.com. I write about movies and other things that interest me. Stop by, take a look. I'd love to hear feedback and maybe chat it up about the latest movies.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I'm completely sure there are multiple threads on this subject, but in the spirit of the thread, I'll go with Under Siege. There is a few other films I love in the action genre (Sudden Death, Con Air, The Rock), but Under Siege pretty much encapsulates what I love about the action genre: big, dumb fun with a likeable cast and a rewatchability factor.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

No doubt T2 is a great flick, but I prefer T1, Die Hard 1 and 2, Aliens, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Robocop. And to a lesser extent First Blood, True Lies, Speed, Above the Law, Crimson Tide, and Mad Max.

For me the best ones are, Die Hard series and the Lethal Weapon movies, especially the first movies, plus Indiana Jones.
Horror Movies
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Off the top of my head T2, Commando, Predator, Die Hard, in more recent times, The Matrix, The Bourne movies, Avengers

BITCH SLAP is freaking amazing the most awesome action I've seen in my life.
And has lots of very nice boobs shots.
•••[[[And the blood has left a stain]]]•••

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Speaking of Arnold, reminds me of his film True Lies, which is very funny.

I like James Bond- Die Another Day actually.

terminator2 is the ultimate action film.

A few that haven't been mentioned, though I'm sure they have in similar threads.

Demolition Man

Point Break

Shoot 'Em Up

Best Of The Best

Road House

Charlie's Angels

Enter The Dragon

Bad Boys


Universal Soldier

Harley Davidson And The Marlboro Man

El Mariachi
5-time MoFo Award winner.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
No doubt T2 is a great flick, but I prefer T1, Die Hard 1 and 2, Aliens, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Robocop. And to a lesser extent First Blood, True Lies, Speed, Above the Law, Crimson Tide, and Mad Max.
Great selection there, add in Commando and Predator and I'd say they are all fairly great action movies.

Precious tritium is what makes this project go.
I have a lot of favourites in the action genre...Don't make me choose.

Oxfords not brogues.

Die Hard-And it's not even close

One of my favourites is a very good film from France that's similar to the 1970s film Assault on Precinct 13. Called Nid de guêpes/The Nest:

I really liked Brother and T2