What was the last DVD you bought and why?


Unless you have HBO, do it! It's awesome.
Done! 7/11 Haul: Ice and Snipes

Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

Nice! That is the perfect accompaniment to your order. You'll find out why later.
Yeah I saw this movie when I was younger with my Uncle. But it's been so long! And since it was basically $5, I'm like: "Yes, this will be done." Thanks for the persuasion.

Goodwill pickups. Some I've seen. Others just caught my eye... but for a 49 cent "rental" these VHS tapes were a no brainer to me... seems I'm the only one at the Goodwill these days picking up "Tapes." But as I'm a "transfer junkie," Goodwill and other such places like the Salvation Army are a goldmine to me.

I bought a Blu Ray of THX 1138 recently.

Interesting movie.

A Holy Grail of 90's Space and Time...


My cinephilia is actually kind of a problem. I've been going from goodwill to goodwill on an almost daily basis because I'm under the most dreadful notion that there is a "run on VHS" 📼🏃🏃🏃 And when I didn't have the 49¢ I needed to afford the VHS copy of "Ben-Hur" it kinda sent me into a bit of a panic and worried that it'd be gone by the next time I stopped in there... wouldn't you know it though? A week later I stop in and such suspicions I had were incorrect! It was still there!

Also spent I don't know now much money on gas going down to the next town over only to find that there selection boiled down the the John Goodman’s live-action "The Flintstones" VHS... and unless that's also coming in bundle with that horrid Arnold Schwarzenegger ruse "Jingle All the Way" for 49¢... I think I'll pass...

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I took advantage of the Criterion sale to pick up the Karel Zeman set, and I was way more excited than a man my age should be to find the pop-up packaging inside.

Great stuff. Did you know there would be pop-up treats?

There's a children's book that I had when I was little titled, Dinner Time. Each page was a pop-up of an animal or whatever opening its mouth. I loved that book and wore it out. I still have it and every few years I'll open it up and giggle like my five year old self.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

It's The Mothman Prophecies, of course the one with Richard Gere, Will Patton and Laura LInney, not any of the purported documentaries. In addition to movies, I like weird stuff and the actual story of the supposed Mothman is definitely among my favorites, one that I already knew well, so I could not, not have a copy of this along with my other weird stuff.

The movie, of course, condenses a whole bunch of events into a 90 minute movie that, in spite of being condensed, is rather slow moving and quiet. That's OK because these characters, being composite characters with a lot of crypto-zoological experiences, are at the end of their wits and don't do much running and screaming that usually comes in a movie like this. In case you are not sure, the bridge collapse in the real Mothman afflicted Point Pleasant really DID happen and the movie does that well, so for those late nights when I need something that mildly creeps me out and I don't want it to be loud, this needs to be on my shelf.

It is.

Great stuff. Did you know there would be pop-up treats?
I did not, hence my childlike glee.

And I was also a pop-up enthusiast as a youngster. I might have had the same book you're describing. I was the type of kid that had to figure out how stuff worked, so I was fascinated with the mechanism of it all. Even tried to make some of my own. A few of them even worked.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
And I was also a pop-up enthusiast as a youngster. I might have had the same book you're describing. I was the type of kid that had to figure out how stuff worked, so I was fascinated with the mechanism of it all. Even tried to make some of my own. A few of them even worked.



A Holy Grail of 90's Space and Time...


My cinephilia is actually kind of a problem. I've been going from goodwill to goodwill on an almost daily basis because I'm under the most dreadful notion that there is a "run on VHS" 📼🏃🏃🏃 And when I didn't have the 49¢ I needed to afford the VHS copy of "Ben-Hur" it kinda sent me into a bit of a panic and worried that it'd be gone by the next time I stopped in there... wouldn't you know it though? A week later I stop in and such suspicions I had were incorrect! It was still there!

Also spent I don't know now much money on gas going down to the next town over only to find that there selection boiled down the the John Goodman’s live-action "The Flintstones" VHS... and unless that's also coming in bundle with that horrid Arnold Schwarzenegger ruse "Jingle All the Way" for 49¢... I think I'll pass...
ahhh bringing back the memories of windows 95

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I found these at a garage sale last weekend. They were marked $1 each, but I got a bargain at $2 for all three movies.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Decided to expand onto my Laserdisc music shelf...

Also found a new Agatha Christie that I hadn't seen before...

This I bought...which I'll likely end up framing and hanging on a wall...

I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky and Witchfinder General. They're not streaming anywhere, I really want to see them and I had an Amazon gift card burning a hole in my pocket.

This one arrived yesterday. Haven't had a chance to watch anything yet, but from a packaging standpoint I'm thrilled. The 50+ page booklet is pretty much a mini-biography.

Also, I can't say that I ever needed the Castle of the Living Dead soundtrack on CD, but hey why not?