Movies you thought would be bad


THe movies "Ocean Eleven" and "The Empire's New Groove" I thought was going to be very stupid but they are great movies!
Anybody who ever saw them see them they are funny and action pack!Ocean Eleven gets three stars from me!Good and popcorn movie!
See you around!JM
Jackie Malfoy
Favorite Movie of all time:Star Wars!
Online offline boyfriend:AdarkSideJedi(brad)
Other Sites I belong and and Adult!

woof! I'm a gore hound.
I saw a poster for 'ELF' befopre goin into a cionema and said to my mate that i thought it looked like ****e but on watching the traiole we had both cracked up at it.

The film is probaby still crap but the trailor was good.
And you can have it all, my empire of dirt. I will let you down. I will make you hurt.....

- NIN-Hurt

Cyberdine Systems Model 101
I remember saying that I had a bad feeling about Pirates of the Caribbean. That feeling served me wrong because the movie was good.
Last 5 films I’ve seen

An American In Paris ****/*****
Once Upon A Time In China *****/*****
Father of the Bride ****/*****
Spartacus *****/*****
The Hidden Fortress ****/*****

You can view my review for each of those films at T-850's Reviews

Originally Posted by led_zeppelin
Finding Nemo

How odd, those are two movies I thought would suck when I heard about them. And they did suck when I saw them...

Ok, so Shrek wasn't that bad, but it was one of the most overrated movies I've seen.

Originally Posted by Garrett
How odd, those are two movies I thought would suck when I heard about them. And they did suck when I saw them...

Ok, so Shrek wasn't that bad, but it was one of the most overrated movies I've seen.
Oh c'mon, Finding Nemo is gosh darn funny.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

Cyberdine Systems Model 101
Finding Nemo is a masterpiece

A system of cells interlinked
I remember thinking the Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight flick was going to be bottom of the barrel, but for some reason I liked it a lot.....

I think it might be bad, but I still like it...


Originally Posted by led_zeppelin
Oh c'mon, Finding Nemo is gosh darn funny.
Yeah. That's your opinion.

When "Se7en" came to theaters, I thought is was going to be another run of the mill hollywood thriller, boy was I wrong.

Laugh if you will, but I went to "True Lies" thinking it was going to be another horrible Arnold movie... what an entertaining film it turned out to be. Some friends of mine gave me some bad reviews for "Dead Man", so I went in thinking... It wont be anything special... It grew to be one of my favourite films. The lesson? I'm not really sure.
Finally, "Meet the Parents" was a real treat. This film does not get the respect in deserves. Great Comedy.
"I know a man who was born with his heart on the outside. Every man's worst fear, he also had heavy hands. he couldn't touch his lovers face, he couldn't hold a baby." - Buck 65

SPIDEI2_MAN__'s Avatar
I didnt think My big Fat Greek Wedding would be that good..turned out to be a modern classic..such a funny movie..made lots of money too..

For some reason I avoided seeing ABOUT SCHMIDT I thought I wouldn't like it, well i was wrong as i loved it, and have added it to my collection.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I thought Bruce Almighty was going to suck but it wasn't bad. However a League of Gentlemen with Sean Connery sucked.

SPIDEI2_MAN__'s Avatar
League of gentleman sucked??? woah that movie was on the commerical's the other day..looked alright...but as i heard it just totally sucked..hmm sean connery usually makes good decisions