Thunderbolt's 2021 Movie Diary


58. Sahara (1943) TV first watch
This movie gets an all round fair rating on most review sites. It pains me to rate it so badly as I love Bogart but even his charismatic quality couldn’t put any thrills into this 93 minute snore fest. I much prefer him in his sharp tongued noir roles. Dull and plotless throughout, I certainly couldn’t revisit this again.

59. Gaslight (1944) TV rewatch
Great Hitchcockian style thriller. Strong performances throughout from Bergman, Boyer and Cotton. This was almost a 4 popcorn rating but what was building to a tension filled conclusion resulted in a slightly anticlimactic final scene. A great psychological drama however. I’m sure if Hitchcock directed this he would have slipped in a final murder.

60. The World’s End (2013) TV first watch
Last in the Cornetto trilogy. This had a much bigger budget than Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz but this hasn’t by any means made it a better film. I found this entertaining until the halfway point, then when the sci fi element kicked in it went slowly downhill. Still enjoyable but the first two films are all you need.

61. Phantom Lady (1944) DVD rewatch
Excellent use of light and dark in this Robert Siodmak Noir. Ella Raines plays Carol Richman, a secretary to Scott Henderson who’s wife has been murdered. Scott is convicted of the killing but Carol will do anything to prove his innocence.
A very good example of a great genre.

62. Coogan’s Bluff (1968) TV first watch
The last 20 minutes feel like pure Dirty Harry but the build up was quite long and drawn out. A few good moments but certainly not my favourite Eastwood film.

Well that’s it for February. An average of a movie per day achieved. Thanks to those who have taken the time to +1 some of my posts especially gbgoodies. We must have a similar taste in movies.

63 Movies Watched

137 Remaining

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Well that’s it for February. An average of a movie per day achieved. Thanks to those who have taken the time to +1 some of my posts especially gbgoodies. We must have a similar taste is movies.

63 Movies Watched

137 Remaining

I haven't seen quite a few of the movies that you reviewed, but some of the westerns you reviewed I recently watched for the Western movies countdown. Winchester ‘73 (1950) and 3:10 to Yuma (1957) were two of the best of them.

Eddie the Eagle (2016) seems to be a very underrated movie, so I was glad to see that you liked it.

I expected Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) to be pretty bad, but I watched it because it aired on one of the cable movie channels. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It's not a great movie, but it was a lot of fun.

I would rate The Fugitive (1993) a little bit higher than you did. I've seen it several times, and it holds up very well on rewatches.

I would also rate The Bishop’s Wife (1947) higher than you did. It's far from my favorite Cary Grant movie, but it's a charming holiday movie.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

64. Frankenstein (1931) DVD rewatch
It really is hard to believe that this film is now 90 years old. Jame Whale captures the gothic mood and atmosphere perfectly using grand sets, obscure camera angles and gets nothing but fine performances from the actors.
The story has inspired so many other horror movies to follow with the now familiar theme of man going one step too far in his search for scientific glory.
Colin Clive does a fine job as the obsessed scientist trying to restore life to the dead. But it’s Boris Karloff who steals the show as the misunderstood monster.
A very short movie clocking in at only 66 minutes but with such a gripping finale the film still feels very satisfying. This is horror film making at it’s best. It proves that blood and gore are certainly not need to push the boundaries. Just a well told story boasting great atmosphere.


49.Predators (2010) TV rewatch
This film rehashes the best parts of the original movie whilst trying to have fresh ideas. For me it was a fairly dull 105 minutes. I found that I just didn’t care for any of the characters as they get picked off one by one. The original is pure class compared to its uneventful sequels. I did enjoy Predator 2 but only because I place it in the “so bad its good” category. All in all a pretty dull franchise.
i have this movie in my collection i havent watched it yet lol


52. Beethoven (1992) TV first watch
Another film night with my daughter. She rated it a
, I wasn’t so generous. Great for kids. The humour soon tires for adults.
well ofcourse its a kids movie cause this movie was my favorite childhood movie

65. The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) DVD rewatch
Some say this film surpasses its predecessor. Gothic horror merges with humour and some over the top performances. Bride continues from the point where the original finishes but it doesn’t just churn over the same themes.
We are introduced to a few new characters, one being the camp but evil Dr Pretorius and his plan to make a bride for the monster. Karloff’s monster also differs from the original as he has much more dialogue and is more self aware of what’s right and wrong. He certainly seems more human like.
I personally rate the original slightly higher but for a sequel it has many fresh ideas and is well worth the hype. There is also quite a touching finale.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

64. Frankenstein (1931) DVD rewatch
It really is hard to believe that this film is now 90 years old. Jame Whale captures the gothic mood and atmosphere perfectly using grand sets, obscure camera angles and gets nothing but fine performances from the actors.
The story has inspired so many other horror movies to follow with the now familiar theme of man going one step too far in his search for scientific glory.
Colin Clive does a fine job as the obsessed scientist trying to restore life to the dead. But it’s Boris Karloff who steals the show as the misunderstood monster.
A very short movie clocking in at only 66 minutes but with such a gripping finale the film still feels very satisfying. This is horror film making at it’s best. It proves that blood and gore are certainly not need to push the boundaries. Just a well told story boasting great atmosphere.

65. The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) DVD rewatch
Some say this film surpasses its predecessor. Gothic horror merges with humour and some over the top performances. Bride continues from the point where the original finishes but it doesn’t just churn over the same themes.
We are introduced to a few new characters, one being the camp but evil Dr Pretorius and his plan to make a bride for the monster. Karloff’s monster also differs from the original as he has much more dialogue and is more self aware of what’s right and wrong. He certainly seems more human like.
I personally rate the original slightly higher but for a sequel it has many fresh ideas and is well worth the hype. There is also quite a touching finale.

I'm not a fan of horror movies, but I like the classic Universal Monster movies because those movies are from a time when horror movies were more about the story than about the shocks, scares, and blood and guts.

I'm not a fan of horror movies, but I like the classic Universal Monster movies because those movies are from a time when horror movies were more about the story than about the shocks, scares, and blood and guts.
I certainly agree with your quote. Horror movies don’t have to be gore filled to be scary. I used to be a massive horror fan but in resent years I have pretty much been turned off by modern efforts. The Universal monster horror cycle has great characters and atmosphere, something modern day horror lacks. I also enjoy hammer horror. Although they took things one step further they still managed to make a quality movie on a budget. It may have shocked in its day but it’s all very tame by todays standards.

66. Phantom of the Opera (1943) DVD rewatch
Universal pictures retelling of Gaston Leroux 's 1910 novel. This doesn’t quite pack the same punch as the Lon Chaney 1925 version. Claude Rains is well suited as the phantom but I felt the film needed more time with his character and his struggles in the sewer and a little less music. Still a fine film, but not quite up there with some of the other films in the monster cycle.

67. The Wolf Man (1941) DVD rewatch
One of my favourite Universal monsters and the only movie where the Wolf Man stars alone. In future sequels he is joined by other monsters from the Universal cycle.

59. Gaslight (1944) TV rewatch
Great Hitchcockian style thriller. Strong performances throughout from Bergman, Boyer and Cotton. This was almost a 4 popcorn rating but what was building to a tension filled conclusion resulted in a slightly anticlimactic final scene. A great psychological drama however. I’m sure if Hitchcock directed this he would have slipped in a final murder.
I like both versions of Gaslight. And I always think it's interesting how few people know that the movies are where the term comes from!

49.Predators (2010) TV rewatch
This film rehashes the best parts of the original movie whilst trying to have fresh ideas. For me it was a fairly dull 105 minutes. I found that I just didn’t care for any of the characters as they get picked off one by one. The original is pure class compared to its uneventful sequels. I did enjoy Predator 2 but only because I place it in the “so bad its good” category. All in all a pretty dull franchise.
I really, really love Predators. I watch it all the time, and especially on Friday nights late at night.

I enjoyed Brody's lead (yes, gravely Batman voice and all). I really like Alice Braga. And I actually think that the film is paced really well. I'm a huge fan of the opening sequence and the choice to begin with the character in mid-fall.

68. Phantom of the Opera (1929 reissue) DVD rewatch
After watching the 1943 film recently I had to get my hands on what I consider the ultimate version. Lon Chaney really suffers from his art as the grotesque phantom. Although originally made in 1925 this version was the slightly shorter and tinted picture from 1929. The story really does vary greatly from the Universal 1943 remake. Chaney certainly brings out the madman in his character. He gives 100% commitment to his role enduring hours of pain with his horrific make up.