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Things that annoy you...



So caught Covid for the first time ever... tested positive for it today. Had it for about three days and so far it's fine, I've had worse colds.

I did a test because I've never had a headache before when I get a cold and when I had the headache I couldn't eat anything, thankfully that just lasted a day.


So caught Covid for the first time ever... tested positive for it today. Had it for about three days and so far it's fine, I've had worse colds.

I did a test because I've never had a headache before when I get a cold and when I had the headache I couldn't eat anything, thankfully that just lasted a day.
Have you lost your sense of smell or taste? Some people say that they have a metal taste in their mouth.

Have you lost your sense of smell or taste? Some people say that they have a metal taste in their mouth.
I've heard about the metal taste in the mouth, but usually from people who've taken a drug that doctor's have been prescribing to treat cases of Covid in those already "vaccinated".

I don't remember the name of the drug, but I knew three people who it was prescribed to and they all described the awful metal taste. (A couple even said living with the taste was worse than the Covid symptoms that sent them to the doctor in the first place.)

Have you lost your sense of smell or taste? Some people say that they have a metal taste in their mouth.
So far all is fine with that in our house, and haven't noticed a metal taste.

I’m off to buy a Chromebook. The powers that be blocked my access to MoFo at work. They have been monitoring me electronically at work as of late. I was on Mofo and saw a flash on my screen. Next week I had no more access to mofo. They also monitored my location through the rfid tag on my badge. I knew because when I went to fill out my timesheet I was clocked out when I ran out to my car at the start of my workday. I think they are doing this as I went to HR to try to resolve things with my lead. I forgot the most important law of corporate life: keep your head down.

I’m off to buy a Chromebook. The powers that be blocked my access to MoFo at work. They have been monitoring me electronically at work as of late. I was on Mofo and saw a flash on my screen. Next week I had no more access to mofo. They also monitored my location through the rfid tag on my badge. I knew because when I went to fill out my timesheet I was clocked out when I ran out to my car at the start of my workday. I think they are doing this as I went to HR to try to resolve things with my lead. I forgot the most important law of corporate life: keep your head down.
What the actual ****, excuse my French. That’s just insane. But that’s also why I conduct all my internet activity, heh, via iPhone and a VPN, thanks very much. Who do these people think they are. I declined a job offer about six months ago at the eleventh hour which would have been a huge promotion after I read the contract, because it explicitly outlined stuff like this — monitoring my online activity, some websites being blocked. Obviously I’m blacklisted now, bridges burnt, all that, but what is this, kindergarten? But I appreciate that I’m privileged in many ways and maybe under different circumstances I would have made a different decision.


So caught Covid for the first time ever... tested positive for it today. Had it for about three days and so far it's fine, I've had worse colds.

I did a test because I've never had a headache before when I get a cold and when I had the headache I couldn't eat anything, thankfully that just lasted a day.
I tested positive twice. Once at home in one of those kits they mailed out & once after an ER visit. Both times I was asymptomatic though it’s a strange feeling knowing one tested for something that’s killed many many people.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I tested positive twice. Once at home in one of those kits they mailed out & once after an ER visit. Both times I was asymptomatic though it’s a strange feeling knowing one tested for something that’s killed many many people.
This just reminded me of something a doctor told me once...
He was my mother's doctor and had diagnosed her with uterine cancer.

He basically said that the vast majority of people have some form of cancer at some point in their lives, but are unaware of it. The majority of these cancers go into remission without the person ever being aware they "had" cancer. In some cases, like my mother's, the cancer is discovered during other procedures or tests and, hopefully, treated. (My mom had a hysterectomy and 2 months of radiation - she did not die from cancer).

I just found it amazing that most of us "carry" some form of deadly disease, maybe many times, throughout our lives and are never even aware of it.

The human body is an amazing machine.

This just reminded me of something a doctor told me once...
He was my mother's doctor and had diagnosed her with uterine cancer.

He basically said that the vast majority of people have some form of cancer at some point in their lives, but are unaware of it. The majority of these cancers go into remission without the person ever being aware they "had" cancer. In some cases, like my mother's, the cancer is discovered during other procedures or tests and, hopefully, treated. (My mom had a hysterectomy and 2 months of radiation - she did not die from cancer).

I just found it amazing that most of us "carry" some form of deadly disease, maybe many times, throughout our lives and are never even aware of it.

The human body is an amazing machine.
Interesting post.

Loud mouthed yobs.

White cockatoos when they raid my mandarin trees.

Dripping down pipes
I bet those mandarins are tasty. Do you eat them often?

So far all is fine with that in our house, and haven't noticed a metal taste.
I lost my voice for 4 days last year, I was feverish and full of cold, tested negative for covid so doctor diagnosed an allergy! More like the flu.

Yep. Sometimes tastier than from the shop @Ellie
I'd love to have a mandarin tree in my garden as I love mandarins and tangerines.

Have you lost your sense of smell or taste? Some people say that they have a metal taste in their mouth.
I spoke too soon. Lost my smell and taste today... just hope it's a normal loss and I'm not part of a % of people who don't get it back for over a year... or ever...


Anyone on here lose smell and taste due to covid, and how long did it take to come back?

I spoke too soon. Lost my smell and taste today... just hope it's a normal loss and I'm not part of a % of people who don't get it back for over a year... or ever...


Anyone on here lose smell and taste due to covid, and how long did it take to come back?
That's awful, hope you get them both back soon.

People that give waiters and waitresses crap tips is annoying. I was out with a buddy at Hooters and he was buying. The bill was around $80 and he only tipped $5. I found the waitress and slipped her another $10 because I felt so bad.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​

I spoke too soon. Lost my smell and taste today... just hope it's a normal loss and I'm not part of a % of people who don't get it back for over a year... or ever...


Anyone on here lose smell and taste due to covid, and how long did it take to come back?
I've not had covid tmk, but I think about a week or 2 for most the people I know who have. A couple only had it gone for a few days.

I hope it returns soon. Are you still feeling ok other than that?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

People that give waiters and waitresses crap tips is annoying. I was out with a buddy at Hooters and he was buying. The bill was around $80 and he only tipped $5. I found the waitress and slipped her another $10 because I felt so bad.

Not a dig at you, but I find the whole American culture of servers not having wages, & instead relying on tips bizarre.

I read that some servers prefer it that, but then blaming the customer is not on. They pay for the food. Service should be part of it.

I spoke too soon. Lost my smell and taste today... just hope it's a normal loss and I'm not part of a % of people who don't get it back for over a year... or ever...


Anyone on here lose smell and taste due to covid, and how long did it take to come back?

It was long enough to think it was never coming back but it was about a month. It came back gradually. Sweets came back first. Never ate so much applesauce in my life. I think it depends on the person and how bad a case you have. I remember asking my cousin about it and he said he got his taste back after about a week.