My Netflix DVD queue is empty! I need some good movie recomendations!


the movie I'm watching tonight

Swept by the Sea from 1997 with Vincent Perez and Rachel Weisz

or perhaps

Agora from 2009 with Rachel and Max Minghella

Trouble with a capital "T"

My Netflix DVD queue is empty....again! So I still need some good movie recommendations
, that I'll like!...I'm mainly looking for newer films from the last couple years to now.

I generally don't watch: Superhero movies, torture horror, extreme action/thrillers.

So suggest away!


My Netflix DVD queue is empty....again! So I still need some good movie recommendations
, that I'll like!...I'm mainly looking for newer films from the last couple years to now.

I generally don't watch: Superhero movies, torture horror, extreme action/thrillers.

So suggest away!
That counts me out pretty much as I haven't seen any new films in a while (and if I did they would probably be a superhero / horror / extreme action thriller... or sci-fi which I know you like.)

Oh wait - we had one of those cable trial subscriptions (which disappeared when they rebooted the cable box) and I saw the The Shape of Water (2017).

I liked it (although I'm not sure about this whole "best picture" thing!)
I think its award was due mostly to the atmosphere - it effectively created a late 1950's - early 60's, complete with many references - I think they did this to tie the movie in to the Creature From the Black Lagoon which this felt like an extension of, but taking it into the realm of romance.

It should appeal to fans of sci-fi, 50's monster movies and romance lovers (it's got quite a bit of suspense as well tied into some cold-war espionage plot elements that take some unexpected turns).

Trouble with a capital "T"
That counts me out pretty much as I haven't seen any new films in a while (and if I did they would probably be a superhero / horror / extreme action thriller... or sci-fi which I know you like.)

Oh wait - we had one of those cable trial subscriptions (which disappeared when they rebooted the cable box) and I saw the The Shape of Water (2017).

I liked it (although I'm not sure about this whole "best picture" thing!)
I think its award was due mostly to the atmosphere - it effectively created a late 1950's - early 60's, complete with many references - I think they did this to tie the movie in to the Creature From the Black Lagoon which this felt like an extension of, but taking it into the realm of romance.

It should appeal to fans of sci-fi, 50's monster movies and romance lovers (it's got quite a bit of suspense as well tied into some cold-war espionage plot elements that take some unexpected turns).
I seen the Shape of Water & Annihilation too, pretty much hated both, though for different reasons. It's not that I'm into new films, it's that I have this Netflix DVD plan and I mainly use it for new movies, as older movies I can readily find.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Speaking of Creature From the Black Lagoon, I seen that for the first time a few months ago and was blown away by it. I thought it was just a cheesy b monster flick from the 50s, but it had a lot going for it. It had the cute girl who was an amazing actress, she made the movie. Also it had lots of compassion for the creature, which I found refreshing and interesting for the 1950s.

Speaking of Creature From the Black Lagoon, I seen that for the first time a few months ago and was blown away by it. I thought it was just a cheesy b monster flick from the 50s, but it had a lot going for it. It had the cute girl who was an amazing actress, she made the movie. Also it had lots of compassion for the creature, which I found refreshing and interesting for the 1950s.
I think Clint Eastwood makes his first movie appearance in the sequel - he's not smoking a thin cigar or wearing a poncho, but is decked out in a lab coat!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think Clint Eastwood makes his first movie appearance in the sequel - he's not smoking a thin cigar or wearing a poncho, but is decked out in a lab coat!
Really? Heck I must have missed that. Though I did see Clint in The Mule, which I liked.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's Revenge of the Creature (1955)
Eastwood plays "Jennings" but is uncredited.
I need to learn to read you did say in the sequel. I missed that. I've not seen Revenge of the Creature. One of these days.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

My Netflix DVD queue is empty....again! So I still need some good movie recommendations
, that I'll like!...I'm mainly looking for newer films from the last couple years to now.

I generally don't watch: Superhero movies, torture horror, extreme action/thrillers.

So suggest away!

You've probably already seen it, but I finally saw Mary Poppins Returns, and it was very good. I recommend it if you haven't seen it yet.

I also saw the movie Stand Up Guys (2012) starring Al Pacino, Christopher Walken, and Alan Arkin. The movie isn't great, but it's worth watching just for Al Pacino and Christopher Walken.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
That counts me out pretty much as I haven't seen any new films in a while (and if I did they would probably be a superhero / horror / extreme action thriller... or sci-fi which I know you like.)

Oh wait - we had one of those cable trial subscriptions (which disappeared when they rebooted the cable box) and I saw the The Shape of Water (2017).

I liked it (although I'm not sure about this whole "best picture" thing!)
I think its award was due mostly to the atmosphere - it effectively created a late 1950's - early 60's, complete with many references - I think they did this to tie the movie in to the Creature From the Black Lagoon which this felt like an extension of, but taking it into the realm of romance.

It should appeal to fans of sci-fi, 50's monster movies and romance lovers (it's got quite a bit of suspense as well tied into some cold-war espionage plot elements that take some unexpected turns).

I haven't seen The Shape of Water yet, but it seems to be either a "love it" or "hate it" movie. (I'm waiting until I find the DVD cheap at a garage sale or flea market.)

Couldn't find your top 100, so some recs based on your profile top 10;
Matchpoint 2005
The Talented Mr. Ripley 1999/ Purple Noon 1960
Legends of the Fall 1994
Life of Pi 2012 / Kon Tiki 2012

Trouble with a capital "T"
You've probably already seen it, but I finally saw Mary Poppins Returns, and it was very good. I recommend it if you haven't seen it yet.
I seen Mary Poppins Returns and didn't like it. I though the actresses played Mary Poppins to aggressively. I wished Kate Winslet had played her. I'll consider the other one you mentioned.

Couldn't find your top 100, so some recs based on your profile top 10;
Matchpoint 2005
The Talented Mr. Ripley 1999/ Purple Noon 1960
Legends of the Fall 1994
Life of Pi 2012 / Kon Tiki 2012
I should do a top 100, I'm glad you mentioned it. I've seen: The Talented Mr. Ripley and loved Life of Pi! I requested, Match Point (2005) and will consider the others.

I haven't seen The Shape of Water yet, but it seems to be either a "love it" or "hate it" movie. (I'm waiting until I find the DVD cheap at a garage sale or flea market.)
Indeed it does seem... according to the reviews on IMDB.

The problem (I think) is this stigma of "Best Picture" - that certainly raises expectations.
I watched it simply because it was on - in the daytime no less, and I rarely watch movies in the daytime. But I was pleasantly entertained viewing it as a Sunday morning movie. For some reason I'm less inclined to care about a movie if viewing it in the morning - instead of being an event, it's more like something to wake up to.

If you go in with the expectation of "Best Picture" you're sure to be disappointed and left wondering what the academy was thinking. But if you view it with the idea of "this looks interesting" then you may be pleasantly surprised.

It definitely requires suspension of disbelief as a lot of logic seems thrown out the window (such as you can't turn a run down tenement bathroom with a window in it into a swimming pool with water deep enough to submerge in simply by putting a towel at the bottom of the door) - but then it is a sci-fi fantasy, so that must be kept in mind as well.

Uh-oh, I've hi-jacked another of Rules' threads for an impromptu review!

Trouble with a capital "T"
How about 'The Guilty (2018)'? A dialogue-centric Danish film about a police dispatcher who gets a call from a woman who he believes is in danger.
Thanks, but I just read the overview and people in danger for the course of the movie often makes me uncomfortable.

"A police officer assigned alarm dispatch duty enters a race against time when he answers an emergency call from a kidnapped woman. "

Unless it's Thelma and Louise which I loved and I believed you recommend to me before. Great film.

Weird is relative.
I don't know when this will be on DVD, but I liked Transit -

(7 out of 10 rating from me.)

Have you seen Columbus (2017) with John Cho and Haley Lu Richardson? It was quite touching.

Support the Girls (2018) was amusing. Definitely watch it if you like Haley Lu Richardson. She's young but she has such a vivacious personality.

Sing Street (2016) is an Irish film about kids in the 80s starting a band. Cliché maybe, but it was fun.

Aquarius (2016) from Brazil is long at 146 minutes, but it's worth a watch. It's easy to empathize with the heroine. She's a likeable, smart, independent and tough woman.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I seen Mary Poppins Returns and didn't like it. I though the actresses played Mary Poppins to aggressively. I wished Kate Winslet had played her. I'll consider the other one you mentioned.

I can see what you mean about Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins, but it's hard to live up to Julie Andrews in that role.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I haven't seen The Shape of Water yet, but it seems to be either a "love it" or "hate it" movie. (I'm waiting until I find the DVD cheap at a garage sale or flea market.)
Indeed it does seem... according to the reviews on IMDB.

The problem (I think) is this stigma of "Best Picture" - that certainly raises expectations.
I watched it simply because it was on - in the daytime no less, and I rarely watch movies in the daytime. But I was pleasantly entertained viewing it as a Sunday morning movie. For some reason I'm less inclined to care about a movie if viewing it in the morning - instead of being an event, it's more like something to wake up to.

If you go in with the expectation of "Best Picture" you're sure to be disappointed and left wondering what the academy was thinking. But if you view it with the idea of "this looks interesting" then you may be pleasantly surprised.

It definitely requires suspension of disbelief as a lot of logic seems thrown out the window (such as you can't turn a run down tenement bathroom with a window in it into a swimming pool with water deep enough to submerge in simply by putting a towel at the bottom of the door) - but then it is a sci-fi fantasy, so that must be kept in mind as well.

Uh-oh, I've hi-jacked another of Rules' threads for an impromptu review!

There are a lot of Best Picture winners that I don't like, so I never use that as a guide for whether or not I think I'll like a movie. (Sometimes it makes it pique my curiosity, but it doesn't raise my expectations.)