The Most Underrated, Unappreciated, Forgotten, and Misunderstood Films


This is the films I think are each of these categories. I'm going to do these differently then normal.


About Schmidt

this film only got an 85% on rotton tomatoes but this film deserves more. It's a great movie and Jack Nicholson is great. It was also nominated for 2 academy awards but didn't win any.

Life and death of a serial killer

86% on rotton tomatoes and no academy award nominations.

53% on rotton tomatoes. No academy awards. This film has nice visuals but that's about it really. This is a mostly forgotten film in my opinion.

About Schmidt

this film only got an 85% on rotton tomatoes but this film deserves more. It's a great movie and Jack Nicholson is great. It was also nominated for 2 academy awards but didn't win any.
Does this fit into any of your OP categories? It was a very popular movie. I never follow rotten tomatoes.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

About Schmidt

this film only got an 85% on rotton tomatoes but this film deserves more. It's a great movie and Jack Nicholson is great. It was also nominated for 2 academy awards but didn't win any.
Does this fit into any of your OP categories? It was a very popular movie. I never follow rotten tomatoes.
Its a very underrated film considering it only scored a 7.3 on imdb.

Its a very underrated film considering it only scored a 7.3 on imdb.
I never look at IMDb scores or stuff like that. It’s a great film that I’ve seen several times & that’s good enough for me.

Its a very underrated film considering it only scored a 7.3 on imdb.
I never look at IMDb scores or stuff like that. It’s a great film that I’ve seen several times & that’s good enough for me.
Fair enough. It is a great film can't argue that

Tramuzgan's Avatar
Di je Karlo?
Forgotten? District B13.

It's unbelievable how unknown this movie is. Nobody I've talked to has ever heard of it. With action like this... least some notoriety should be expected. I dare you to come up with one movie with better action.

Forgotten? District B13.

It's unbelievable how unknown this movie is. Nobody I've talked to has ever heard of it. With action like this... least some notoriety should be expected. I dare you to come up with one movie with better action.
May not be action but I got these three

May not be action but I got these three

Two of those are good picks, but doesn't Sleepwalkers feature a character killed after being stabbed with a cob of corn? Or was that a different King 90s film, I a big King fan but I only saw that once and remember thinking it was bad.

May not be action but I got these three

Two of those are good picks, but doesn't Sleepwalkers feature a character killed after being stabbed with a cob of corn? Or was that a different King 90s film, I a big King fan but I only saw that once and remember thinking it was bad.
A police officer gets stabbed with a piece of corn you are right. Probably the most ridiculous death in any horror movie.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Some great choices for forgotten or underappreciated films! I almost never hear about The Man in The Moon but it was a really good film, so was the ode to Roger Corman movie, Matinee. I watched Mr Nobody recently, another good choice! I seen Mothra but that must have been a million years ago, I can't remember much about it, weren't there two tiny princesses in it?

Some great choices for forgotten or underappreciated films! I almost never hear about The Man in The Moon but it was a really good film, so was the ode to Roger Corman movie, Matinee. I watched Mr Nobody recently, another good choice! I seen Mothra but that must have been a million years ago, I can't remember much about it, weren't there two tiny princesses in it?
Hey citizen thank you. Yes there is 2 tiny princesses in it. It's a good campy movie in my opinion.
The man in the moon and Mr nobody I've watched recently and both great films. The matinee I need to watch again but I found it a good and fun movie the first time round.

I'm actually in the middle of reading your thread and I have some good movies I'm going to watch because of your reviews.

Keep it up citizen and I'll be watching for more

I personally have fond memories of The Man in the Moon (1991). One of the great coming of age films. For some reason I always got mixed up and thought Anna Chlumsky (My Girl 1991) was in the lead role instead of Reese Witherspoon.

Unfortunately, the title helps it get lost among movies with similar titles barring one word i.e. Man in the Moon (1999) - the Andy Kaufman story starring Jim Carey.

We had a pretty indepth discussion about Matinee (1993) over on Citizen Rules' review thread not too long ago - I believe Rules wrote up one of his excellent reviews for the film.