MoFo Movie Roulette II (a movie watching participation event)


Trouble with a capital "T"
Movie Roulette II

It's a good time to re-start the Movie Roulette! Same basic idea as originally developed by TheUsualSuspect here.

How This Works:  


Citizen Rules 20.5
Allaby - Face in the Crowd -5
BooBooKittyFock - Branded to Kill - 3.5
Jiraffejustin - The Red Shoes - 4.5
CosmicRunaway - The Blue Light - 4
Edarsenal - Alice's Restaurant - 3.5

Allaby 19.5
Citizen Rules - One Foot in Heaven - 3
Edarsenal - Memories of Murder - 4.5
CosmicRunaway - Ikiru - 4.5
Jiraffejustin - Sleepaway Camp - 3.5
BooBooKittyFock - A Single Man - 4

Edarsenal 20.5
Jiraffejustin - Black Narcissus - 4.5
Allaby - Le crime de Monsieur Lange - 3
CosmicRunaway - Memories of Murder - 4
BooBooKittyFock - Rififi - 5
Citizen Rules - Rango - 4

Jiraffejustin 21.5
Edarsenal - Siraa Fil-Mina - 4.5
CosmicRunaway - Throne of Blood - 4.5
Citizen Rules - Cairo Station - 4
Allaby - Divorce Italian Style - 4
BooBooKittyFock - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - 4.5

CosmicRunaway 21.5
BooBooKittyFock - Barton Fink - 4.5
Jiraffejustin - Waltz with Bashir - 4
Allaby - Persepolis - 4.5
Citizen Rules - The Producers - 3.5
Edarsenal - Ikiru - 5

BooBooKittyFock 21
CosmicRunaway - The Raid - 4.0
Citizen Rules - Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - 4.5
Edarsenal - Badlands - 4.5
Allaby - Antwone Fisher - 3.5
Jiraffejustin - Pixote - 4.5

Trouble with a capital "T"
Sign me up! I really enjoyed the first round.
Cool! Glad to have you.

I loved your choice for me last time, The Naked Island (1960) such a unique, minimalist type film that I would have never seen if it wasn't for the last Movie Roulette.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Some from the first Movie Roulette said they wanted to continue, hopefully they're still up for it?

@jiraffejustin @cricket @edarsenal

and of course ANYONE else can give this a try....Questions about how this works? Just ask

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Oh yeah!
I just remarked on The Naked Island being on your Countdown list, so when I can, I read your review. Nice!
Here's a Cheat Sheet for anyone picking movies for me
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh yeah!
I just remarked on The Naked Island being on your Countdown list, so when I can, I read your review. Nice!
Here's a Cheat Sheet for anyone picking movies for me
Glad you're in! I took a gander at your Cheat Sheet and I've seen some of the blue watch list ones, some really great films there.

I'm probably going to hold off on joining any more Hall of Fame's until the 26th HoF starts, but I hope enough people join this one as well

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm probably going to hold off on joining any more Hall of Fame's until the 26th HoF starts, but I hope enough people join this one as well
Oh, I understand being busy alright, I'm so overworked these days

I should say this is not an HoF. It's not structured like one and has different goals. It's much more like Cricket's idea of the Personal Recommendation series.

If you end up with an odd number of participants when you guys want to start, I can join. I'm just really bad at recommending films, and equally terrible at remembering which films I've already seen haha.

Speaking of which, if someone () started to watch a film, then realized they had already seen it, would they just pick one of the other two options they were given?

Trouble with a capital "T"
If you end up with an odd number of participants when you guys want to start, I can join. I'm just really bad at recommending films, and equally terrible at remembering which films I've already seen haha.
An odd number would be fine, you should join This is just for fun, not really formal like an HoF.
Speaking of which, if someone () started to watch a film, then realized they had already seen it, would they just pick one of the other two options they were given?
Yup. Works for me