President Trump


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Yep. I think only white heterosexual Christian males with at least 3 kids should be allowed to vote. /s

Seriously, though. This would be an attack on personal freedom. You can't impose your worldview on other people. You can't force a couple to have children under the threat of losing voting rights, and you can't punish a person for making a personal choice that doesn't hurt anybody.

But yeah, I'm interested in Asian women. I really don't want to have children, and chances this is going to change are very low. So, you see, even if I change my mind, I'll still be contributing to the extinction of the white race. Quick, take my voting rights away ASAP!

You need to adopt an Asian grandma.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
There should be a law that people who deliberately take decision not to have children inspite of having no health problems should be barred from voting . Lazy and selfish people who contribute nothing to society should not have voting rights . That will effectively break the back of the democrats !!

I'm assuming this is sarcasm. I hope.

Anyways, look at this violent reporter touching a helpless intern.

Good on Trump for calling him after the mic is given away and good on him for telling the next guy he's not a great reporter either just because he stood up for Acosta. Trump is a diligent, humane and kind human being.

This guy is a joke of a President. Sometimes I sit and have to remind myself that Donald Freaking Trump is your President. Wow.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
There should be a law that people who deliberately take decision not to have children inspite of having no health problems should be barred from voting . Lazy and selfish people who contribute nothing to society should not have voting rights . That will effectively break the back of the democrats !!
oh stop spreading your hate.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
I don't know why I am accused of promoting 'outbreeding' . I never promoted breeding in excessive numbers . But consider the state of the white people . They are dwindling to the point of being reduced to minority in 15-20 years . They need to produce 2 children per couple just to maintain numbers not outbreed
so fkn what? is humanity going to curl up and die w/o white people?

Yeah, you can't (and shouldn't) conflate race with ideology. And I'm not sure it makes sense even if you do; I'm pretty sure that white people that have fewer children are disproportionately likely to be liberal, anyway. I'm pretty sure, based on your other beliefs about culture and society, you should prefer a Mexican Catholic to your average NPR podcast listener.

I don't really care if 100% of Americans in a few centuries are brown and/or speak Spanish, so long as they're saying viva la constitución.

I think a red flag needs to go off in your head if you find yourself citing the same thing, over and over, as the cause of lots of different problems. What's more likely: that you've cracked some cultural code, or that you're oversimplifying the world in a way that makes it easier to grapple with?

the white people thing came in an answer later . actually my original post was this---

There should be a law that people who deliberately take decision not to have children inspite of having no health problems should be barred from voting . Lazy and selfish people who contribute nothing to society should not have voting rights . That will effectively break the back of the democrats !!
i was thinking of ways the democrats could be beaten . because they represent liberal lobby and at least in my country the liberals are opposed to everything hindu ( my religion ) . they want to curtail hindu customs traditions festivals everything . i think hindus in my country are in the same position as whites in USA . i empathise with president Trump's supporters because they feel similarly under threat like hindus in india .

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Not going to lie. Had a tenner on this topic leading to ashdoc mentioning white people breeding. Ta!!!
he's more interested in my sex life than i am these days

I love children, I think having children is great and I'm certainly concerned (as any rational, informed person must be) about lowered birth rates. But the idea that having children is the only way to contribute to society is risible.

I love children, I think having children is great and I'm certainly concerned (as any rational, informed person must be) about lowered birth rates. But the idea that having children is the only way to contribute to society is risible.
it's obviously not the only way to contribute to society .but it is the only way in which your all too perfect western society is lacking . in europe this is going to lead to clear cut confrontation on violent scale with political islam as muslim population rises . i dont know what is going to happen in america .

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
as a woman, it's obviously highly offensive to be reduced to non-human status for the decision not to have kids. ash needs to get off his dumbass high horse and start realizing there are LOTS of ways to contribute to society that doesn't involve kids, as well as the idea of having to save white people from extinction is such a non-issue it's silly.

he won't, lol, but hey from one word vomitter to another. o/\o

Not going to lie. Had a tenner on this topic leading to ashdoc mentioning white people breeding. Ta!!!
that is the elephant in the room , but you want to close your eyes to it . my broaching of uncomfortable truths makes you uneasy . you would rather live in blissful ignorance .

that is the elephant in the room , but you want to close your eyes to it . my broaching of uncomfortable truths makes you uneasy . you would rather live in blissful ignorance .
Please note that I'm going to delete any future posts like this, where you simply make an insulting assertion.

Please note that I'm going to delete any future posts like this, where you simply make an insulting assertion.
Yeah I should quit the discussion itself . i am ruining my diwali ( festival of lights ) .

that is the elephant in the room , but you want to close your eyes to it . my broaching of uncomfortable truths makes you uneasy . you would rather live in blissful ignorance .
What you haven't grappled with is that white people are entirely comfortable with how we breed. You're the one freaking out, and you're doing it at every ridiculous moment. If someone complains about their cereal, somehow you'll turn it into white people not having enough kids.

Seriously. It isn't your fight. PLEASE stop trying to save people who aren't asking to be saved. It's annoying as ****. It's like getting the same unsolicited advice when you're straight up asking for it to please stop. It becomes like harrasssment after a while and the only effect it will have is people beligerently takig the opposite view because your not being able to let it go is so offputting people SCRAMBLE to distance themselves from it.

Give it a ****ing rest. Please!

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Just had a few minutes to burn before moving to another project so I thought I'd offer an anecdote.

I always wanted two kids. A son and a daughter would have been ideal. I wanted to teach them to be good people, mindful of others, supportive, and empathetic of those from other ways of life or opinions. Also, I wanted them to be musical rock star ninjas that stick up for the little guys. As life continues to move on (without me, most times), I have come to the awareness that this little fantasy is most likely never going to play out for me. No teaching Jr. the guitar. No training [insert undecided name of daughter here] in the ways of Korean Haidong Gumdo (no, that is not a delicious stew, though it definitely sounds like it should be). No teaching my children of right and wrong or of morality and ethics. My last relationship was with an older partner. Had we married, we would not have been able to have children, but that was an unfortunate sacrifice that I was happy to make if it meant being with someone that I truly loved. I ask myself (as I do with most crossroads in life), "where are my lines, and for what ideals am I willing to cross them?"

I may never have children of my own, but that does not emphatically mean that I concede opportunity to teach lessons that others typically reserve for only their children. I'm not sure how race, nationality, religion, or any other assortment of labels restrict the ability to teach and learn. Yes, there is a weird play in which one generic political body may breed more or less than another. I can even see how, in a very limited view, that that dynamic can be used as some morbid social gerrymandering for political gain. Seems like an awful lot of work for little payoff, but sure. I get it. I'd recommend Idiocracy (2006) as a possible end-game from that approach.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

What you haven't grappled with is that white people are entirely comfortable with how we breed. You're the one freaking out, and you're doing it at every ridiculous moment. IF someone complains about their cereal, somehow you'll turn it into white people not having enough kids.

Seriously. It isn't your fight. PLEASE stop trying to save people who aren't asking to be saved. It's annoying as ****. It's like getting the same unsolicited advice when you're striahgt up asking for it to please stop. It becomes like harrasssment after a while and the only effect it will have is people beigerently takig the opposite view because your not being able to letr it go is so offputting people SCRAMBLE to distance themseves from it.

Give it a ****ing rest. Please!
admittedly you are right . will try to shut up in future .

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Ash - it seems like 90% of your posts are hating on us for not having kids.. You seem to dislike the liberals in your country because they are tired of thousands of years of religious dogma interfering with humanity.

I don't want kids! Stop saying we're destroying civilization! (and even if it were, I'd STILL wouldn't have kids!)