What are you doing at this very moment?


Projecting the image of success
Sitting in the lobby of the hotel that my girlfriend works at waiting for her to get done so we can go out and get a tasty beverage.
"Love the life you live."
All this porn ain't gonna watch itself.
"I'm gonna be alright, and you're gonna be alright, you ain't gotta hold my hand just walk with me tonight."

The totally awesome and soul consuming TFH One a Day Reviews.

Thanks for the warm welcome
Not a problem!
So, like, are you going to join in now, and not go all linky linky on us?!? You're more than welcome to.

So I put some Visine on my eyes, to help with the burning. Lit matches would have worked just as well, man. Holy hell!

Listening to the rain pour down. It sounds like hail hitting the window but it's just the weight or speed of the raindrops.

Watching Kung Fu Panda. haha some great lines in there.
[punches him in the face, grabs him and points his gun right at his throat] I never said anything about the FBI. She's my partner, ese. And if anything happens to her, I will find you and I will kill you. I won't think twice. Come here, look in my eyes. [pushes barrel of the gun into his mouth and cocks it] Look at my face. If anything happens to her, I will kill you. This is between you and me, and nobody sees, nobody knows.

You ready? You look ready.
Listening to Bad Religion.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Listening to the rain pour down.
Nice to see you Gummy Girl
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

im at work; updating files; on the phone to Accident and Emergency and hoping that no one dies on my shift tonight... 7 hours and 10 mins to go.

im at work; updating files; on the phone to Accident and Emergency and hoping that no one dies on my shift tonight... 7 hours and 10 mins to go.
whoa Betty.
What do you do exactly?

The People's Republic of Clogher
The beach volleyball is on at the Olympics!

Loads of big, tall, lithe, Russian sorts in small bikinis cavorting about in sand with balls.

I feel unusual...
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan