Riddick 3


Pitch Black is one of my favourites but I didn't think much of the second film at all, so I don't have high hopes for this new one but hope I'm wrong.

Riddick 3 has a lower budget though 38 million (like the first film), while Chronicles was trying to be a Summer Blockbuster.

R - strong violence, language and some sexual content/nudity.

I think it will be good. But I can't really say I have expectations either..,simply because don't know what to expect
at all

Chronicles of Riddick had probably the greatest depiction of a "Space Army Invasion" I've seen on film.

Just another movie Guru
I loved the Chronicles more than Pitch Black... I think it was just how it looked visually as well as the general story. It was more aggressive and action oriented and being THAT action movie guy from the 80's, I naturally gravitated towards it.

For 3, there are many things that I would hope to see - but I'm not sure the direction they're going to take in.

I do think that their smaller budget will help them get back to a bit of story roots though which will make the film better than both of the others.
Heroic Images

Awesome, I didnt know they were going to go ahead with this. I hope David Twohy is at the helm again.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I like both Pitch Black and Riddick and have hopes for this one as well.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Vin Diesel exists as he does because of Pitch Black. Excellent film. I loved Chronicles, too, even though it was very different thematically and more operatic.

Riddick is easily one of my most anticipated films of the year.
~ I am tired of ze same old faces! Ze same old things!
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They should make another video game instead of movie. Escape form Butcher's Bay is the greatest thing with Riddick in it.

They should make another video game instead of movie. Escape form Butcher's Bay is the greatest thing with Riddick in it.
Except for Pitch Black.

Nah, I agree. Escape from Butcher Bay is a better game than Pitch Black is a movie. Escape from Butcher Bay is probably the best game based on a film ever made, at least in recent memory.

Registered User
Cannot wait for this movie, been waiting ever since Chronicles came out!

I hope in this one they really delve into the history of Furya and Riddicks individual past.

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
I think Pitch Black was fantastic. Riddick was okay but not as good as the first, i think it tryed to go a little bit to big. I will check this out still tho, nice summer of movies coming are way.

"My name is Psycho but you can call me Stuart."
Loved both Pitch Black and Chronicles in a 'they-pretend-to-be-nothing-more-than-they-are' kinda way, and have held on for dear life through the roller-coaster of halting production with eager anticpation of a release.

To be more succinct...can't wait!
"Alexander, do you want to stay for tea? My favorite, convict curry. We used to make it in jail."

I am the Watcher in the Night
I think the Riddick series has mirrored Diesel's own stop start career. The early part of the century saw Vin Diesel viewed as THE air apparent to Arnie and Sly but with the release of Chronicles and it's subsequent box office failure, I think Vin Diesle sort of became the third best action hero in hollywood, behind Statham and The Rock.

I liked his return to Fast and Furious but this may just be his full resurrection, at least I hope so anyway.

According to vin diesel , if 'RIDDICK' is a success then universal want 2 more films based upon the character . 1 about the underverse that is discussed in the chronicles of RIDDICK and another about riddicks home planet 'furya' . I'll welcome as many RIDDICK movies as possible I absolutely love this franchise