33rd Hall of Fame


Mona Lisa
(1986, Jordan)

George is a small-time crook just released from the joint. After failing to reconnect with his daughter and wife(ex?) he reunites with his old friend Thomas. In the process, George takes up a job driving for call-girl Simone. As their partnership becomes closer, Simone gives George a task of locating one of her colleagues from her earlier days in the business. But this leads to some unexpected difficulties.

I found this a pretty good entry with a great reveal/resolution at the end. I loved the banter between Hoskins and Coltrane during their time on screen. The partnership between George and Simone developed nicely leading up to the films bittersweet conclusion. But George finds a silver lining in the end.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Glad to hear a little bit about Mona Lisa, especially regarding Hoskin and Coltrane's banter.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Glad to hear a little bit about Mona Lisa, especially regarding Hoskin and Coltrane's banter.
I started up God's Little Acre last night. I'm about half an hour in. It reminds me a little Tobacco Road. Very curious to see where this one leads to.

Shoplifters (2018)

I feel like we get one of these films in every Hall and I don't see myself ever ranking these films near the top. This movement in Asian cinema is just dull to me, this film is classified as a thriller and it has elements in it. This is the story of a family of shoplifters, they don't just make a living shoplifting one works as a live fetish/stripper, another is a day laborer and the eldest is a pensioner. One day they come across a very young neglected girl and bring her into this family of thieves.

I saw this film about four years ago and it really doesn't hold up on repeat viewings. So much of the film is just a yarn, it's a story where when you remove the plot twists (that aren't really executed well) you are left with just blandness and banalities. I guess that's a style and a choice...Ozu made a lot of films like this

The film has some solid set design, the family lives in a crowded and cramped little three/four room house. When the family leaves the house some of the scenes are thrilling...to a point. It's a technically solid film but I don't think I could describe anyone in this film without having to rely on plot points. I think it's really just the genre I find dull.


God's Little Acre (1958)

I mean part me has no clue why this film was nominated and another part of me well can kinda figure it out. This movie was just a mess to the point where it almost felt experimental. The first half hour of the film you think you are watching a comedy about poor people. Then an Albino shows up and the story ends up being camp but then the last third act it becomes this crazy melodrama.

I'm really curious about the motivations of the person who nominated this because I'm sure how to judge it. I was entertained much in way it's entertaining to flip through a series of channels, and yet I didn't hate the film I was just confused. Every young person in this film is incredibly good looking...except for Buddy Hacket who is both comic relief and part of a sex thing with one of the daughters.


Trouble with a capital "T"

God's Little Acre (1958)

I mean part me has no clue why this film was nominated and another part of me well can kinda figure it out.

I'm really curious about the motivations of the person who nominated this because I'm sure how to judge it....
What?...You're going to 'judge' the reasons why this movie was nominated? Haven't you had enough judging with the whole Daisies incident???

I'm sure ALL of the noms were chose by the members because they liked them, or believed they were interesting or thought they could win, etc. etc.

**becomes curious....goes back through threads to check daisies incident **

**becomes curious....goes back through threads to check daisies incident **
Look up the Themroc incident from the 25th one while you're at it. Total DramaRama ($1 to Cartoon Network).

What?...You're going to 'judge' the reasons why this movie was nominated? Haven't you had enough judging with the whole Daisies incident???

I'm sure ALL of the noms were chose by the members because they liked them, or believed they were interesting or thought they could win, etc. etc.

Speaking of mellodrama....

No I'm not saying this was picked in bad faith, but this movie is really weird. This film starts like Lil Abner and then becomes The Last Picture Show and switches on a dime. I don't really see the appeal in suggesting a film like this but I'm curous about the reasoning

Trouble with a capital "T"
Speaking of mellodrama....

No I'm not saying this was picked in bad faith, but this movie is really weird. This film starts like Lil Abner and then becomes The Last Picture Show and switches on a dime. I don't really see the appeal in suggesting a film like this but I'm curous about the reasoning
OK that's fair enough, if you're saying it wasn't picked in bad faith....As you probably guessed God's Little Acre is mine and here's the reasons why I picked it.

Why did I chose it? Because I had fun watching it the one time viewing some years ago and wanted to see it again.

And because I remember it being an interesting film that I hoped people would either like or at least find interesting as it's an odd film and hoped that would spark conversation.

And because most members seem to want noms that aren't well known so I figured God's Little Acre hadn't been seen by most.

I also asked my wife about various noms and she liked this one more than some of the other films I had in mind. That's about it as far as my reasons go.

I had considered two different noms, both very popular films, but didn't go with them as I didn't want to make people have to set and watch a nearly 4 hour long film. Tina Louise is a plus, that's for sure! But no that wasn't the reason at all.

I forgot the opening line.
Themroc, Daisies, and In A Glass Cage. All awful
Someone once nominated In A Glass Cage? Wow - Hall of Fames in the past must have been pretty wild. I haven't seen it, but it sounds pretty extreme.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Robot Monster (1953)

Look up the Themroc incident from the 25th one while you're at it. Total DramaRama ($1 to Cartoon Network).
Wow, definitely an interesting group.

I forgot the opening line.
In the meantime, the reasoning behind our nominations can be varied - and that's what creates such an interesting mix of films every time around. If they were just filled with well-known classics every time, I wouldn't like Hall of Fames as much. But I always base my voting on the films themselves. The reasons behind each nomination shouldn't really play any part. You might just like to see how one of your lesser-known but interesting films will fare, or go for the win with a well-liked classic - after all, there are many Olympians in an event that have no chance of winning, but compete to see how they go. Diversity is best - and in my whole time participating in these things, I've never seen a nomination that's just been made in bad faith.

Is the speed increase function the best technological advance in recent history of cinema? AFAF.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Is the speed increase function the best technological advance in recent history of cinema? AFAF.
Ha, I just got that reference..someone's been reading past HoF threads!

Ha, I just got that reference..someone's been reading past HoF threads!
Thanks Torgo.

I love weird nominations. I wish there was more of them.
Is there a balance between weird and unwatchable?