Movie You're Watching Tonight


I usually get my wife to watch one movie with me on the weekend. For tonight, I picked out a recommendation from Citizen Rules-

Still Alice (2014)

Repeat viewing and my final watch for the 7th Hall of Fame-

Killer Joe (2011)
Still no Zwicks Crick?

(good movie though)

Everyone is my friend unless proven otherwise
Shab-e bist o nohom

شب بيست و نهم
(This is an old film)

We can feel the God, in very simple moments
In the loves anxiety and the undesired sin
When all is set and done for love
It doesn’t care whether it’s soon or it’s too late
Don’t be afraid if your heart wakes up from an old dream
My be God has written your story from the beginning. Ehsan khaje Amiri

Recommended by many, most recently False Writer-

Blood Diamond (2006)
Hope you like it!