TikTok Ban


You ready? You look ready.
I do so hope this ban actually comes to fruition.


I’m torn over this one, tho, because I think it’s clearly government overreach, but TikTok is very much a real threat to our national security.

I’d imagine most of us here are well out of the age range of its base, but I’d still be interested to hear other thoughts.

In the end, I don’t think banning a social media network app download is a limitation on free speech. For a couple of reasons:
  • Social networks have TOS that already limit the speech that takes place on their network, so social media speech is not free speech in its truest sense
  • Algorithms actively suppress speech if it does not cater to your previous likes and follows, so the speech you are watching is not in any sense of the word free. It is dependent on you telling them what speech you think is acceptable and then having it parroted back at you.
  • Those same algorithms prop up the voices of the wealthy far more than they do the poor, so even after you take the likes and follows into account the speech you are seeing is not free by any means. It’s been purchased with technical/algorithmic manipulation or blatant bribery/sponsorships.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I don't use any of the social media sites, so I don't really understand what makes TikTok different from any other social media sites. Why is TikTok considered a threat, but the others aren't?
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I don't use any of the social media sites, so I don't really understand what makes TikTok different from any other social media sites. Why is TikTok considered a threat, but the others aren't?

The developer company may be obligated to provide user data that the app is mining to the Chinese government if that government asks for it. That a foreign developer is mining U.S. nationals' data is itself a risk.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The developer company may be obligated to provide user data that the app is mining to the Chinese government if that government asks for it. That a foreign developer is mining U.S. nationals' data is itself a risk.

Is TikTok a free site? What kind of data are they getting from their users?

I feel weird about this because it reads like “somebody” is trying to manipulate the selling price. It’s definitely not being made an issue because of the greater good of the country.

Then what precedent does it set? We outlaw foreign tech, but I can’t buy American made underwear that is worth wearing?

Is TikTok a free site? What kind of data are they getting from their users?

GPS location, contacts, browsing history, pics, videos, messages, payment information, etc.

You can argue that other apps like FB, Twitter, etc do it too(to improve user experience). But unlike the other apps, Tik Tok was open to sharing these details with the Chinese government.

Data is going to be the new gold in the future (to be honest, it already is).

You ready? You look ready.
TikTok’s headquarters used to be operated out of Hong Kong, but it was moved to the US (not sure where) around the time of the Hong Kong protests last year.

From a news report about a security analysis of the company:

“*They included armed forces personnel and its alleged ability to convey location, image and*biometric data*to its Chinese parent company, which is legally unable to refuse to share data with the Chinese government under the*China Internet Security Law. *Observers have also said that ByteDance's founder and CEO Zhang Yiming issued a letter in 2018 stating that his company would "further deepen cooperation" with the ruling*Chinese Communist Party*to promote its policies.”

The reason why TikTok is so dangerous is for a couple reasons:
  • The location sharing data within the app is an all or nothing option, so if you have the app you are transmitting enough data for the parent company to create/understand floor plans. This was a similar problem Fitbit got into trouble with the military a few years back when heat maps of bases were available online from military members data.
  • The Chinese version of TikTok is a state sponsored extension of the government propaganda machine in China, so at its core the company has deep ties to the state and the content on the network is a smorgasbord of anti-American sentiments and pro-CCP content. If user data wasn’t being shared the connection to a company that is decidedly anti-freedom would still be a huge problem.
  • There are ZERO protections on this network for children: ZERO. When Facebook, Google, and Twitter were getting pulled before Congress for not protecting kids better on their networks (those American companies were at least doing something) TikTok was operating with impunity.
  • TikTok’s algorithms favor pretty rich white people, so there’s hardly any true diversity on the platform, which cannot be said the same of other networks. In fact, TikTok had internal memos leaked about a year ago that detailed company policies that essentially said suppress poor, ugly, and disabled people.

Trouble with a capital "T"
GPS location, contacts, browsing history, pics, videos, messages, payment information, etc.

You can argue that other apps like FB, Twitter, etc do it too(to improve user experience). But unlike the other apps, Tik Tok was open to sharing these details with the Chinese government.

Data is going to be the new gold in the future (to be honest, it already is).
If Tic Tock shared it's data with the Russians instead of the Chinese, the Pres wouldn't be going after Tic Toc, now would he?

If Tic Tock shared it's data with the Russians instead of the Chinese, the Pres wouldn't be going after Tic Toc, now would he?

Well, I don't know, I am not an American. But haven't the two instances of Russian involvement in American matters (2016 Election and killing of American soldiers) turned out to be fake?

To be honest, the app wouldn't have been famous in US from the beginning if it was Russian . You guys really hate them.

Let them do it.


Is the only worthwhile profile. I can survive without it.

EDIT: I was wrong, oh so wrong.


Please, don't ban TikTok, pleeeeaseeee.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Only reason Tik Tok is being banned is because the movement that was born there and that led to a fiasco in one of Trump's campaign rallies. Best thing happening in 2020 if you ask me.

People who are heavy Tik Tok users will still know how to access it by VPNs so... meh.