Whoa, what's up everybody? Let me introduce myself...


I've been looking for a good movie forum for a while, and who knew I'd find it at "movieforums.com". Anyway, I love movies of all sorts, and hopefully I can add to the discussions.

Btw, how recognizable is my moniker? I'm curious if it's well known, or rather obscure.

Also, how do I get one of those cool picture thingamajigs under my name? Do I have to prove myself worth of one or what? And how do I get rid of the double lines you see below? Sorry for all the questions, I'm really not that annoying.
"If we give into those people, we're giving into all the cute and fuzzy bunnies in the world."

Ignore the part about the lines...they seem to have disappeared.

Now With Moveable Parts
Welcome to MoFo, Hoops...pull up a chair and dig in...
~enjoy your stay.
I'll let Chris answer your tech questions...he's the All Mighty Admin.
see ya around.

yes Sades is right ask Chris (or as you know him YODA or MASTER Yoda to you) for any technical questions and also just to introduce myself im Mick or Naisy whatever you prefer, well i must be off duty calls, see ya around