Movies you PRAY they never remake


the crow
jumanji and all other 90s and 80s movies shouldnt get a remake. i was sooo angry that they gonna remake the crow. they should leave it alone

Frank Darabont directed and co-wrote, with Stephen King

I wonder what ever happened to him.

the crow
jumanji and all other 90s and 80s movies shouldnt get a remake. i was sooo angry that they gonna remake the crow. they should leave it alone

Personally, I have no issues with Hook being remade

He's been a writer for The Walking Dead.

I thought they severed him from the project and that he sued and got an undisclosed settlement? Has he done anything, for example, in the last four years or so?

Personally, I have no issues with Hook being remade
seriously hook is only original movie that remake cant beat espically its a legacy movie with robin williams and dennis hopper

Aspiring Movie Critic
How about movies so bad who would want to remake them?
about that. I think that no matter how "bad" a movie can be, if the movie was/is successful enough, there will be studio interest in having a remake for the sole sake of cashing in on a trend. Even if the movie had an abysmal box-office run, if it gets traction years later and the studio thinks it can make profit off it, it'll remake it regardless of its quality
the Antiman

Aspiring Movie Critic
honestly, for me i wouldn't say that there are specific movies i would want to remain untouched by the money-hungry remaking hands, but rather the underlying reason for a remake. in my opinion, a remake should always include some new elements which would warrant a remake, like better effects, new story plot or characterization. a remake just for the sake of money because its assured to make bank or made to try to please the current political climate immediately makes me prejudiced against it