The MoFo Comic Book Movies List

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What are you talking about? Manga sales in Japan have been steady at around 6 billion dollars over the past 20 years. Comic book sales in the US have reached 400 million dollars recently, Europe is also very large (probably larger than the US). Brazil also has a prosperous comic book market:
That's fine and all, but what about the movies?
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Personally I'd like to see two lists; one for movies based on comics and another for movies based on manga and graphic novels. That's just because I have zero interest in the former and a lot in the latter.

I'm really fine with however you guys decide to do it and I'm in for whatever. It's a good idea. I like the idea of doing genre specific lists.

I'm just about the opposite of a fan of these kinds of movies but I'm happy to help you jot up the scores as long as I'm doing the same for the 80s list. Shouldn't be too much more work since I have Daniel's awesome spreadsheet.

What are you talking about? Manga sales in Japan have been steady at around 6 billion dollars over the past 20 years. Comic book sales in the US have reached 400 million dollars recently, Europe is also very large (probably larger than the US). Brazil also has a prosperous comic book market.
Sales may be awesome overseas, but when comics first came out there was such a ridiculous demand in the 40's and especially the 50's they were churning them out like cookies. Oh those old golden age stories were so awful . Most of those stories were written by people that worked in the office. No real true creative storytelling occured until Marvel Comics came out.

The amount of money comic books generates is a whooooole lot different than how many comic books are sold. More people read comic books back in the 1940's-1980's. In the 90's Marvel went public and everything changed. To answer to their shareholders Marvel was constantly doing some crossover gimmick, foil covers, and just endless marketing strategies to excuse hiking up the price.

The comic book shop became a thing of the past. Marvel, in another strategy to show shareholders more money, wouldnt use Diamond to distribute their comics anymore, and would only sell direct to stores. The storeowners cost to fill their shelves instantly doubled. As time wore on the small shops shut down. The cost of a normal comic book todays around 2 dollars, and the Marvel universe is more carefully crafted by moviemakers then Marvel themselves. Except for X-Men 3 and the Wolverine movies of course.

The absolute best time to be a comic book fan was in the 1980's. That was camelot. More units were sold, and their were true loyal fans of that comic book that came out each month, not just the charater. X-Men were hot, Daredevil written and drawn by Frank Miller, heck even independent comics were surging with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, First Comics, Dark Horse, etc... The stories and artwork were at their best.

They just make more money now, but this isnt the golden time.

I see, you were talking only about the US comic book market. In dollar terms it has been increasing so there is probably more diversity now in the US comic book market than in the past and also comics made these days are more focused on older demographics than in the past. I think that there is a certain nostalgia for fans of 1980's and earlier comics to say that comics have been declining.

Personally I'd like to see two lists; one for movies based on comics and another for movies based on manga and graphic novels. That's just because I have zero interest in the former and a lot in the latter.
The distinction between comics and graphic novels is nomenclature and manga is comics in Japanese.

I believe by movies based on comics you mean Marvel and DC superhero movies.

I'm really fine with however you guys decide to do it and I'm in for whatever. It's a good idea. I like the idea of doing genre specific lists.
This is not a genre specific list. It's like saying that "movies based on novels" are a genre.

Well yeah, I figure that's more due to the changing times. Based on my experience as a Canadian 18 year old guy, I literally knew no one who read comic books. THe only time I ever saw a comic was in an antique store as an 11 year old, and it was like 20 years old at the time (I bought it, too )

Maybe it's different for kids in America, but I think the days of sitting down and reading a comic book as a kid are becoming increasingly rare. Movies, tv shows, and ebooks are the new, popular medium of bringing to life these classic characters.

Let the night air cool you off
I'm guessing the inclusions of such awesome television shows based on comics as Batman: The Animated Series, DuckTales, Super Friends, Justice League, and Teen Titans will not be allowed? It would be hard to compare them to movies, but I find myself liking animated tv shows based on comic books more than actual films based on comics.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
yeah go for it, sounds good.

1.The Dark Knight
2. Batman Begins
everything else...........

Ok… Rules for the Comics List. Using the same rules as were used in Harry’s 90s list and Skepsis’ 80s list.

In keeping with what I said before, I’ll hold this list for General Comics rather than just for solely Superhero films.

The regulations on choices are:

Simply, it should be based on a comic book or graphic novel. Whether live action or animated, if it is a feature length film, it counts.

Made-For-TV Movies (example: Black Scorpion 1995 and Dr Strange 1978), Direct-To-Video/DVD (example: Darkman II and Man Thing 2005) Animated TV Series, Live Action TV Series and Documentaries about comic book films don’t count.

There is no time limit for the films per say, but a cut-off point will be September 1st 2013, the beginning of this month. Only films that were released before August 31st 2013 will count.

If you do want to pick 25 Superhero Movies as your entries, that’s perfectly fine as long as they are based on comics and/or graphic novels.
So the choice is yours.

Submit your ranked list (1-25, no ties) to me via PM with the title "Your Username - MoFo Comics List".
You have plenty of time to consider and submit your list, so no changing it once you've submitted it to me.
Also, please add the year after each film as it will make it easier to know which film exactly you’re voting for.

New members can send in a list as soon as they've been a member here for one month. This measure is taken so that the list isn't influenced by members who've been on here for a week and then pack their bags and never come back.

Films that are part of a series or trilogy etc (Iron Man, Nolan’s Batman, etc etc etc) must be submitted as separate films.

Any movie listed on the following Wiki Pages is eligible for the list. Just be sure to check that any you pick fall in to the rules of the List, no TV Movies, Documentaries etc as I mentioned above.

English Language Comics Turned Into Movies:

Manga Comics Turned Into Movies:

French Language Comics Turned Into Movies:

Other Language Comics Turned Into Movies:

American Superhero Movies:

Dark Horse Owned Movies:

DC Comics Movies:

Marvel Comics Movies:

Films Based On Comic Strips:

Those revealing their lists before the countdown has ended will be disqualified. That just defeats the point of the whole thing.

As per usual, films will be awarded points as follows: 25 points for 1st place, 24 points for 2nd place, 23 for 3rd and so on.

The deadline for entries is 31st March 2014. The actual Countdown will begin in April.
This gives well over 6 months to get entries in and counted up.
Plenty of time to catch up on what you want to see and get your lists in!

The list will be called: The MoFo Top 50 Comic Book Movies
Being a Top 50 will make it slightly tougher and will be basically a cream of the crop list based on votes, yet also more satisfying when one of your picks makes it.

Happy listing!!

Let the night air cool you off
Awesome. Somebody give me a list of recommendations that are non-superhero movies.

For a minute I was thinking I would be able to vote for The Toxic Avenger only to find that the film inspired the comic and not the other way around.

Are we allowed to vote on stuff based on "picture books" (Wild Things, Shrek, Raymond Briggs adaptations etc.)?

We should be. Hard enough to think of 25 *good* movies based on comics/manga/whatever.

Waiting until APRIL for a TOP 50 is a bad idea. My god, the '80s list - TOP 100 - has a deadline in January.

And I don't agree with made-for TV movies/straight to video-DVD movies not being allowed. They are still movies and many of them are good.

Rodent, your links to Wikipedia with the movies... do not work.