Here they come - the films on my list are starting to trickle through.
50. Barry Lyndon - I really, really have to watch Barry Lyndon again - once is nowhere near enough, and I have it on DVD. Is there much war in it? There's some, I know - but it would never have occurred to me to include this in my pile of possibilities. In this case it doesn't matter so much, because I only remember it in a general sort of way and thus it wasn't going to make my list. I thought it was fantastic at the time, but there aren't many movies that go for over three hours that I've seen many times - except for Lawrence of Arabia, there's not one single film I can think of that goes over three hours that I've seen at least three or four times. The one thing I remember most clearly about this is that Barry Lyndon (Ryan O'Neal) often behaves in a foolish manner, and that his fortunes often seem to be turning against him. Oh, that and it's a visually beautiful work of art - with set decoration, art design and cinematography that looks gorgeous.
49. The Guns of Navarone - If a war film is going to ditch the whole anti-war contrivance, then do what The Guns of Navarone does, and make it look tough and stack the odds against your heroes. Filled with many fantastic set-pieces, this adaptation of Alistair MacLean's 1957 novel is stirring stuff and was the apex of workman J. Lee Thompson's directorial career. When a film from this era features Gregory Peck, David Niven and Anthony Quinn, you know it means business, and the talent on hand wasn't wasted on frivolous action - this war film really gets down deep into it's characters' minds, and often stirs emotional sentiment relating to the absurdity war is - having to kill for what are often arbitrary reasons. But aside from that it's simply so damned exciting and backed by a pounding Dimitri Tiomkin score. Every aspect of this film is truly great - and while there's not much pure adrenaline-fueled fun amongst the war films I really admire, this is one of the exceptions. I had The Guns of Navarone on my list, at #24.
Seen : 34/52
I'd never even heard of :11/52
Movies that had been on my radar, but I haven't seen yet : 7/52
Films from my list : 4
#49 - My #24 - The Guns of Navarone (1961)
#51 - My #7 - The Human Condition II : Road to Eternity (1959)
#70 - My #14 - The Caine Mutiny (1954)
#74 - My #16 - Shoah (1985)
Overlooked films : Breaker Morant, Fail-Safe
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.