Films Better Off Without Sequels


The trick is not minding
Never cared for Arnold. Only seen him in Rambo Last Blood and Spy Kids: Game Over
For me, I’ve always preferred Arnold over Stallone for actions films, particularly during the 80’s.
Arnold had more interesting films

The Guy Who Sees Movies
Rocky might be the greatest movie series in history.

It perfectly maps the beautiful earnestness of the American Dream, slowly being corrupted by the jingoism and outsized capitalism of the 1980s.

Yes, it gets ridiculous. But so has America.

The first four are great as a whole. The fifth one is clearly a pile of garbage. As was the Rocky Balboa trip down memory lane crap.
I can't say that I ever saw it as a metaphor, especially, since it was a boxing movie. Those have long portrayed themselves as metaphors for something about truth, beauty, strength, and Americanism, but what they mainly are is object lessons for how to get neurological damage. They teach us that the way to "get ahead" is to outlast some goon who is pounding on you head while you pound on his.

That never had much appeal to me, since I actually do value my brain.

Victim of The Night
The only reason I liked the second one is because Julian Beck is a SPECTACULAR villain. The dude looks like walking death and he devours scenery.
I was going to wholeheartedly agree that Poltergeist shouldn't have had a sequel until you reminded me about Kane. You are right, the world (of Horror) does need him in it.

Victim of The Night
My brain is a movie universe unto itself, if I want to omit a sequel, I will. It has never been a problem for me.
I agree with you that "It is not canon and in fact simply does not exist," is a super-easy maneuver for me to execute.

Victim of The Night
Not sure why virtually every reply to this is ignoring the (bolded) question at the end of the OP because that is honestly more interesting than saying which sequels should never have happened:

In which case, here are my answers

The Nice Guys/The Last Boy Scout - between the Lethal Weapon franchise and
Flash Gordon - "The End...?" is such a good way to cap off this adaptation of a classic serial that understands the trick is to always have one more adventure around the bend.
Totally agree with you on these. The Last Boy Scout was just beggin' for a sequel, it would have seemed, and I'm really glad they didn't. It's schlocky but it's one of the better examples of the schlock of that era.
And I'm fine with another Flash Gordon film just not a sequel to that one (unless Flash was re-cast).

Victim of The Night
For me, I’ve always preferred Arnold over Stallone for actions films, particularly during the 80’s.
Arnold had more interesting films
I think Arnold, and I actually kinda like Stallone, had a little more of a sense of humor about himself. Stallone had his moments, like "Rambo is a pussy" and the disastrous Oscar, but Arnold always seemed like if you thought it was corny he was way ahead of you.

Never cared for Rocky
I like it quite a bit, but I'm not as down on it as some people are. I've seen some compare it to Raging Bull, but that just baffles me. It's a few levels above the average underdog sports film since the characters are somewhat more complex than what the genre usually gives and Stallone's roughness matches his character pretty well, but I don't think this is enough to elevate it to masterpiece level. The highest praise I'd give it is that it's a well‐made underdog film. Scorsese's film, on the other hand, is a near‐masterpiece and probably the best sports film ever made, with the exception of maybe Hoop Dreams.

I know I'm probably ********* for saying this but I never understood all the commotion of Stallone's films. Maybe because I've only watched two of them. But I'm going to say the 3 main Hong Kong stars I watch are the best action stars ever.

The trick is not minding
I know I'm probably ********* for saying this but I never understood all the commotion of Stallone's films. Maybe because I've only watched two of them. But I'm going to say the 3 main Hong Kong stars I watch are the best action stars ever.
It’s apple and oranges.
It is worth noting that action films of the 80’s in The US differed from that of HK during that time, with the exception of Norris, but our action films preferred guns over HK pure martial arts.

JCVD and Seagal changed that a little in the late 80’s with a heavy emphasis on the Martial Arts that HK used, but even then it wasn’t quite the same.
HK and the US biggest problem was combining too many genres together, usually comedy and action with sometimes a dash horror or Sci Fi with mixed results.

This was around the HK also brought about the Heroic Bloodshed sub genre which was copied endlessly.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I only seen Rocky once and that was only a few years ago. I like Stallone, he must have a lot of drive to get a movie made in Hollywood when he was a 'nobody'.

What I liked about Rocky was the Talia Shire character Adrian and her initial relationship with Rocky. They made an odd but interesting couple. The pet store scene and the first part of the movie were my favorite. I wish her character had been developed more, because to me the story of Rocky getting his own life together, was more interesting than the boxing part.

I only seen Rocky once and that was only a few years ago. I like Stallone, he must have a lot of drive to get a movie made in Hollywood when he was a 'nobody'.

What I liked about Rocky was the Talia Shire character Adrian and her initial relationship with Rocky. They made an odd but interesting couple. The pet store scene and the first part of the movie were my favorite. I wish her character had been developed more, because to me the story of Rocky getting his own life together, was more interesting than the boxing part.

The Rocky movies are like the Rambo movies. They start small, get ridiculous, and then, once again, restrict their ambitions and get small. In my book, the Rambo movies don't exist in the same universe as First Blood.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Rocky movies are like the Rambo movies. They start small, get ridiculous, and then, once again, restrict their ambitions and get small. In my book, the Rambo movies don't exist in the same universe as First Blood.
I did see Rocky III when it first came out. If that's the one where he fights the big Russian. As far Rambo goes I seen the first one at the theater and that's it. Oh I did see Creed and liked that pretty well.

I did see Rocky III when it first came out. If that's the one where he fights the big Russian. As far Rambo goes I seen the first one at the theater and that's it. Oh I did see Creed and liked that pretty well.
I pity the fool who doesn't remember Mr. T as Clubber Lang in Rocky 3!!!

I pity the fool who doesn't remember Mr. T as Clubber Lang in Rocky 3!!!
I pity myself over the fact that Rocky 3 is probably my favorite... I mean, come on, it had the Hulk Hogan fight!

Victim of The Night
I pity myself over the fact that Rocky 3 is probably my favorite... I mean, come on, it had the Hulk Hogan fight!
Rocky III is tons of fun. It's not quite as dramatic as the first two but it's still pretty good.

Personally I thought 'Die Hard' would have been better off without all the sequels. The original is quite possibly the greatest action flick of all-time (at least in the top ten) and should have been left alone.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
Forrest Gump. There actually is a sequel book, but thankfully they haven't adapted it to the big screen.

Time Bandits. I heard there's a streaming show in the works, which I think is unfortunate.

Groundhog Day. It's repeated enough already, thanks. But great movie.

Liar liar. Jim Carey's character has a great character arc. No need to add anything.

Wall E. Although it might be fun to see what happens to the little robot, I'm fine with the story the way it is.

I could name a dozen more at least.

Hollywood is making too many sequels. They need more original ideas.
Boldly going.