Legend of Zelda movie


Link= Topher Grace.......lol jk

Finally, I've wanted them to make one for ages! I've always thought that they would go for a great cinematic adventure, although there have been game to movie adaptations and to tell the truth, Mario, Hitman, things like that, they may not always be what you bargained for.
Still though, if they could get a serious and talented director on board for the project, that thing will certainly go far, and to boot there are thousands of Zelda fans who'll be lining up.
And I don't really think Orlando Bloom would be right for the part, nothing against him, it's just that he could end up being Legolas 2 instead of Link, I think a fresh new face could do.

In the Beginning...
There is no The Legend of Zelda film project in development. There never has been. Maybe there should be, though, given the interest displayed in this thread.

Nah, they'd just fluck it up.

I'd see it no matter what I heard about it. Even if it was bad it wouldn't affect how I feel about any Legend of Zelda project.
And lo the whispering wanderer weeps
what whit to whom did my life keep?

I think for a LoZ movie to become a hit what it needs to do is base the story off of the games instead of making one up. The reason why most Game-to-Movie adaptions aren't successful is b/c they have nothing to do with the games like the Resident Evil movies.

Another thing would be to use very, very good CG for the monsters and animals.

The last thing would be to orcastrate the music for once since MIDI is what has been used in the games and that is not acceptable for a movie.

OMG! this just in from IGN.com
a trailer has debuted for the Legend of Zelda movie!!!!!!!

trailer here

ok, so ya I dont think this is real I think its fake and an april fools joke, but this is as close to a LoZ trailer/movie we will have for a while, that being said, it doesn't look all that good, but for a fake trailer it is allright i guess.
One day you will ask me, what's more important...me or your life. I will answer my life and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life

.....doesn't know what to put here!
i loved Zelda when i was younger (The Orcarina Of Time, what a great game!) but i'm not sure about a movie though, it just doesn't appeal to me. Maybe it's because i'm not into that LOTR sort of stuff.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Is this movie for real? If so, I see direct to DVD.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

In the Beginning...
Is this movie for real?
I hope not. The production value was bad. Like, worse than Uwe Boll bad. And Ganondorf easily looks as terrible as this. And when I say "terrible," I mean it's akin to the sound of cats drowning and large groups of malnourished children crying.

I liked the trailer but the characters didn't match their game character's personality. The only character that did a great job of acting was that Scottish guy in the beginning. I wonder if Link's character would work in a movie. His character works in the games but would it work on the big screen?

A LoZ movie should be released in Theaters and DVD. I don't think they should do what was done with Advent Children were it was just released on DVD.

There is this other really cool Zelda Trailer called Dark Sage. If u haven't seen it then check it out on youtube.

that would be amazing!

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Ive seen a video online a trailer and it looks awsome but ive been told its a fake?

here is the link...
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Ive seen a video online a trailer and it looks awsome but ive been told its a fake?
It was an April Fools Joke
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

There is a fan made movie.
It doesn't look great, but at least they're doing something.

There is a fan made movie.
It doesn't look great, but at least they're doing something.
Yeah there's one being made by BMB finishes and they say they're in post-production so the scenes should be finished by now. They're working on CGI but I've never heard of that taking this long but who knows? They're not Hollywood.