If you were gonna write a book...


...what would it be about, and why? Multiple entries are allowed. I'd probably write about great leaders throughout modern history (nothing too far back, most likely), and the things they had in common. The basic logic behind it would be that if Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, and Theodore Roosevelt were all very popular, very famous, and usually hailed as great leaders, and they had one specific trait in common, then that trait must be one important, or at least significant, to becoming an effective leader.

I thought of that when I first read about Theodore Roosevelt. I learned that he had a "getaway" home of sorts, remarkably similar to the one I read that Churchill had. Reagan was notorius for relaxing at his Ranch, as well. Another example: Roosevelt and Churchill both took breaks in the middle of the day. I think with Roosevelt, it was a nap, but I'm not sure if it's him I'm thinking of. With Churchill, it was a long bath.

I really love that concept: find out what these great, historical men had in common, and apply it to today's world. It's pretty unlikely that they'd all just HAPPEN to do this or that, and yet all be historical figures. Anyway, I do think I'll write a book on it someday, but not now. It'd be crap now, given my limited experience, research, and free time.

Enough about me: how about the rest of you? What would you write about if you had the time and energy?

Now With Moveable Parts
I've worked in tons of restraunts and you wouldn't believe the stuff that goes on in some fine establishments! I've always wanted to write a semi-fictional book about the misadventures of the restraunt staff.The moody chef,the skinhead dish-washer,the sex-pot hostess(sex in the walk-in refridgerator!)all the way down to the loser bartender.It would be so much fun! Based on true stories of course! The protagonist would be the beautiful misunderstood,sarcastic,witty waitress of course(me )

If it hadn't already been done, I would've liked to have written a book about Satchel Paige and Josh Gibson or just Paige and the Kansas City Monarchs of the Negro League.

Or perhaps a biography of Earl Campbell - his youth in Tyler, Texas, his UT career, his days with the Oilers and Saints and his post-NFL career as the sausage king of the Heart of Texas. And, of course, there would be a long bit about his panic attacks, etc. that he's had to deal with throughout his life. He's really a fascinating guy.

Another possibility would be a book following a minor league baseball team for a season to really get to the core of what those players go through playing for peanuts in places like Midland, Texas or Little Rock, Arkansas just hoping for a shot in the Bigs despite the odds against ever getting there for most of them.

Now With Moveable Parts
I love baseball.I love baseball books and Baseball movies.Write it ryanpaige.

If I was to write a book I would write it about myself becuz Im too lazy to do research & I already know what I did. It would be all about my birth, which as some of you know was in Bethlihem & was announced by an angel & it would go all the way up to the day I was enrolled in American skizool- where I am bein groomed to be the next Winstone Churchill.

The title of the first book (becuz there will be 3 vols) will be: PLITE-THE WONDER YEARS.

God save Freddie Mercury!

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
if i were to write a book, it would be mostly dialouge between two or more characters so i'm a hell of a lot more likely to write a screenplay or a play anyway. i am almost completely done with my screenplay and i am in the process of generating ideas for a stage-play that will probably be one of the better things i've written. "the play's the thing"......

Now With Moveable Parts
I'm sure your play will be greatness BrodieMan.The masses await!

Registered User
If I was going to write a book and I had time and research all set up . . . I'd write one in the tradition of Neal Stephenson's CRYPTONOMICON. It would have an Apocalyptic storeyline and would include the occult, Biblical history (I'd just have to figure out how to bring some relics to Hawaii--where I will have it as the setting.) It'll open up with some astrophysicists (I have 2 pals who I can model my charcters after) who work up an equation which is a practical joke on someone but it actually isn't. A MIX of Astronomy, Physics, COmputers and Biblical Archaeology. I'll have to read up on the latter 2 more. ( I'll give them all ALIENWARE PCs) I hear Italy's the place to learn about relics. And I read somewhere that the Ark of the Covenant may be in Turkey.
Blonde Klingons: Because it was a good day to dye!

Now With Moveable Parts
...and you know about Noah's Ark,right?

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
sades - thanks for the vote of confidence. i'm sure you'll dig my play when i'm done.

wart - that sounds pretty... um... weird.. well, weird in a good way, of course. do you read any chrichton? he does TONS of research for his books. tons. i love how they all have little scientific diagrams and schematics on the pages and stuff, too.

I thought it was Noah's Ark that was supposed to be in Turkey.

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
lol.. maybe they're BOTH in turkey. turkey's got a lot of stuff hidden there, you know?

Pigsnie told me that in Italy there are lots of weird relics like the Holy fourskin & the Holy placenta of the Baby Jesus (EWWW!), tha Holy fluid that gushed from Jesus side on the cross, all sorts of cool stuff like that. I also once read this book called THE CRIB in which this babys crib made from the ancient wood of the Cross would kill firstborns. Great stuff, lots of monastery work & DNA whatchmacallits.

If I were to write a book I would write it in special photo-sensitive ink that starts to disappear once light hits it. That way people would only be able to read my book once and not be able to resell used copies of it on eBay.

Registered User
Originally posted by ryanpaige
I thought it was Noah's Ark that was supposed to be in Turkey.
Noah's Ark was supposed to have landed on Ararat which sits between Iran and Armenia. Problem is--it has no marine fossils so its probably a post-Flood volcanic mountain.

Brodie Man--how did you guess I'm a fan of Crichton. ANDROMEDA STRAIN may gave been the first book I read. (Too bad, I didn't like TIMELINE that much, even though the "theory" behind time travel was pretty cool.

Yeah, the book I want to write is kinda goofy but I like a challenge and I also love research. So even if I never finish it (there's bits and pieces in my head and in my PC), I would have learned plenty.

Registered User
Originally posted by sunfrog
If I were to write a book I would write it in special photo-sensitive ink that starts to disappear once light hits it. That way people would only be able to read my book once and not be able to resell used copies of it on eBay.
I tell ya, Sun, you and PLITE make it hard for me (as a writer) to focus on my writing. You both sort of twist my way of thinking so I come up with even more plotlines for my stories. Maybe I should write an anthology instead. Holy foreskins and EBAY! What a movie that would make!

OOOOh I jest got an idea for you Wortle. Heres my plot.
A holy hair from the head of the Baby Jesus shows up one day on EBay on a 5 day action. A biddin war ensues by bidders who each want it for their own neefarious reasons! Sunfrog wants it becuz its cute & he wants to control the WORLD! TWT wants it becuz he wants to give it to Goerge bush az a gift so hell be invited to a White house state dinner. Arther Dent wants it he has noticed strange magnetic readins comin out of EBay ever since teh auction began . Steve N wants it becus hes a veggieterian. Zephyrus wants it becuz they dont have holy hairs in Australia. And you can go on from there, hahaha.

Registered User
Originally posted by PigsnieLite
OOOOh I jest got an idea for you Wortle. Heres my plot.
A holy hair from the head of the Baby Jesus shows up one day on EBay on a 5 day action. A biddin war ensues by bidders who each want it for their own neefarious reasons
Thanks, PLite. You certainly gave me sumthin to think about.

And my plot solves your problemo of how holy relics can get into HAWAII !!!!! I am so clever, hahaha!

Female assassin extraordinaire.



ahem, eroticles.

i have so many started it's not funny. growing up, i was really into fantasy and read Tad Williams and then, Clive Barker and began writing my own epic fantasy when I was 13 or 14. never finished it, but still plan to.

so, i like fantasy, but otherwise, it's mainly sexy stuff. quality, though, i'm no pornographer.