Rauldc14's Top 119 Films

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2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
38. V for Vendetta

Portman and Weaving were awesome. I loved the cinematography and the costume design for V. Just a great political thriller for me that at some point I need to talk about more.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
37. Goodfellas

Scorsese is one of my favorite directors and I would consider this his best and most well rounded film. The casting is perfect and they all deliver on their acting. Peshi is probably the highlight, but they are all really good. The story is intriguing and the dialogue is as good as it gets.

I hated The Hangover.
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I've bounced back and forth between 'The Departed' and 'Goodfellas.' But I also agree; 'Goodfellas' might just be his best.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
36. The Bucket List

A film full of laughs and cries for me. Nicholson and Freeman are the perfect tandem. I know a lot of people aren't keen on this movie but it really means a lot to me and it is a favorite of a lot of people that I know.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
35. Inside Man

Love this suspense thriller. Denzel is great in it obviously but the atmosphere and the bank being on lockdown itself are great. I also like the rest of the acting a lot, Clive Owen makes a bad ass bank robber. Overall I'd say this is Spike Lee's best and most fun film to watch.

Goodfellas, hell to the yeah. Bucket List is fun but far from a favorite. V and Inside Man deserve rewatches. I was lukewarm on both upon first viewings.

I liked Inside Man but need to rewatch. Goodfellas is my fav Scorsese after Taxi Driver. Haven't seen the others

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

Dislike Hangover. V for Vendetta is really good. Goodfellas is a masterpiece. Not seen Bucket List.

Inside Man was one of the movies I saw in my earlier "film fan" days but before really becoming a cinephile. I remember it to be really good and I should rewatch it and see if I like it as much as then.

I couldn't emphasize with the villainous characters in Goodfellas. I found all his other movies great though. My top 5 of his:

1 - Taxi Driver
2 - The Wolf of Wall Street
3 - The Aviator
4 - After Hours
5 - Shutter Island

I liked his Di Caprio movies more than his De Niro movies, I think it's because I emphasize more with a pretty boy like Di Caprio than with an ugly guy like De Niro.

I hated The Hangover.
That movie was a great one.

I think that Miss Vicky's "hated it list" is a nice recommendation list for me.

Goodfellas and The Hangover are two of my biggest favorites!

I didn't like Inside Man as much as I had hoped, while I liked V for Vendetta more than I thought I would.

Haven't seen The Bucket List.

37. Goodfellas

Scorsese is one of my favorite directors and I would consider this his best and most well rounded film. The casting is perfect and they all deliver on their acting. Peshi is probably the highlight, but they are all really good. The story is intriguing and the dialogue is as good as it gets.
What really bugs me about that film is that too much happens every minute, it's impossible to follow. That's why I love Taxi Driver, it takes its plot very slowly.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
34. Double Indemnity

The standard definition of a fantastic film noir. The acting is excellent and the direction by the great Billy Wilder is fantastic. I plan on rewatching it soon for the 40s Hall of Fame so I will have more to say then. But one of my favorites from that decade certainly.