Resident Evil: Ground Zero


In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I don't know about anyone else, but I am psyched about this movie. If anyone here has actually played the games then you know what I'm talking about. This movie has the potential to be one of the creepiest movies ever made. Anyone who has played the game knows how scary that stuff got. At one point during Resident Evil 2 I actually had to pause the game and take a break. It was getting intense. I think I even broke a sweat.

But anyways the movie is set as a prequel to the first game. It follows the lead (Milla Jovovich) who is a maid in the mansion where the T-Virus is first released. I can think of two directors who could pull off thise movie. Paul Anderson and Sam Raimi, and well Raimi is taken right now, so Paul Anderson is directing this one. I really don't have any doubts about the movie either. Anderson plays the games, he knows how to adapt a game to a movie. I think he did a damn good adaptation of Mortal Kombat. It was everything it needed to be, and I think Resident Evil will be just the same.
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Yes, and no. Yes, the game is creepy as hell, and could (potentially, mind you) make one amazingly scary movie. However, it sounds to me like they're totally botching the opportunity here. I've read that there will be a giant computer system they have to fight in addition to the zombies. I think that's idiotic. Feed them the basic plotline concerning chemcials, and have them run away from zombines inside of being houses/mansions/etc. That's all you need.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Yea I wasn't really buying that computer system thing at first, but from what I read it was just an excuse to turn a mansion full of people into zombies.