Scooby Scooby Doo


bigvalbowski's Avatar
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Is this movie headed for a fall or what?

Scooby Doo was a classic cartoon. Shaggy and Scooby had the best chemistry of any man/dog partnership and the Scooby Gang were fun without being that interesting. The mysteries were great, sometimes even genuinely scary and that line:

"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those damn kids"

A Classic Line.

When I heard that they were making a life action version, I thought great. A chance to revive the series. Jim Carrey, Mike Myers were all discussed for the all important role of Shaggy. Careful casting was needed. Shaggy is an icon, a comedic superstar. So the casting directors chose wisely. No it wasn't Myers or Carrey it was...
Matthew Lillard?

Does anyone have the address of the casting director? Because I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it.

Lillard? Lillard? As Shaggy? You've got to be joking. Shaggy is all about innocence. About being constantly afraid. Lillard is an actor who has mass murderer on his resume. It cannot be.

Add to this the fact, that Sarah Michelle Gellar, the one you and I both know and love as Buffy has decided to have an early honeymoon with Freddie Prinze Jr. on the set. She's Daphne, he's Fred. I can accept Buffy but Freddy. The boy can't act. He sure is pretty but the boy can't act. I don't know or even care who plays Zelma.

To add to all this, they chose a director with a less than credible CV. He directs Teen Movies. He obviously knows nothing about comedies or Scooby-Doo.

And wait till you hear this final insult. Scooby will not be played by a dog. No, he's going to be a CGI creation.

Mr Leonard Maltin should warm up his "BOMB" rating for this piece of rubbish. I'm just hoping it blows up before it's ever released.
I couldn't believe that she knew my name. Some of my best friends didn't know my name.

MovieForums Extra
I used to love the Scooby cartoons as a kid, but I can't believe they're making a movie out of it?! There are some things you just don't do! And I absolutely hate the fact that Sarah Michelle Gellar will be playing Daphne, sounds pretty bad...

But it might be worth having a look at, maybe they won't make a movie that will go into the Guinness Book of Records as "the most vain feat ever attempted by the human race"
Black Holes Suck!

Freddie Prinze, Jr. as Fred is among the worst casting I've ever seen (Freddie Prinze, Jr. in anything is pretty bad, though). What makes it worse is that awful blonde wig they've got him in. It's not even a good wig. And with his skin tone and features, the blonde looks especially bad.

Of course, I'm not all that big of a Scooby fan anyway. I liked the cartoons as a kid, but I see them now, and I wonder why I ever liked them. Some cartoons I liked as a kid are still entertaining to me now. Scooby Doo doesn't fall into that category (Maybe on a subconscious level, I just can't forgive them for Scrappy Doo).

Maybe the filmmakers and actors will surprise me and do a really good job on this Scooby film, but I'm not hopeful.

At this point, I am hoping for every movie based on a '60s or '70s TV show to fail. I'm hoping that such failures prevent "Facts of Life: The Motion Picture" and "The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo: The Movie" from being made.

Radioactive Spider Blood
Do you have a link to that picture Chris? I'd like to see it.

I love Scooby Doo, its my favorite cartoon of all time, hands down. I've seen every episode and even have a 25 hour marathon on tape. I hope that they make the movie good so that I'll enjoy it. Scooby means a lot to me

Did you guys ever see that Scooby/Shaggy skit on SNL awhile back? That was hilarious. Definate laugher.

"Chances are, if your parents didn't have any kids, then you won't either."

You'd have to remind me - I don't remember it offhand. When we upgrade the forums I'll try to remember to upload a picture here - a feature in the new version.