servants with collars neck shot recycled ... see more inside


Registered User
looking for the title of a move i want to rewatch
cant remember much of it and any try to search for it gone with out success
i am prety sure its after 2000

its in a future world where servants ((sort of clones / created humanlike) as fare i remember)
work for normal people they wearing a halsband thru they can be punished
if they do well the band will be removed (they told)
to remove the band they sit in a special chair and are killed with a neck shot
and are recycled
one girl manage to survive (the hero of the story)
cant remember much more

can any one help and tell me whats the title of it (going nuts)

Registered User
you my hero
gone nuts on this
i had it as an independent film in memory
as its just a part of a bigger film a had barely some memory on in
and for the life of me couldn't find it

thx a lot