Batgirl (year yet unknown)


News released an hour ago...

DC Cinematic Universe (DCEU, Man Of Steel, BvS, Wonder Woman, Justice League et al)... Batgirl is to be introduced.

And none other than Joss Whedon is to both write and direct the film.

Whedon is the man behind many legendary comic book adaptions... from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, to numerous script treatments for the current MCU Marvel movies and even the cartoons, including directing Avengers Assemble and Avengers: Age Of Ultron.

Whedon is also responsible for things like Twister, Speed, The Cabin In The Woods, TV series Roseanne and the cult classic Firefly, The Quick And The Dead and was the creative writer for Toy Story.

Extremely exciting news to have Whedon on board the DCEU.

Mixed feelings. I'm sure he'll make a good movie, or at least a movie with some very good elements. On the other hand, he's written female empowerment so much that I wonder how much more he has to say about it. I guess we'll find out.

His involvement alone, though, certainly makes this worth keeping an eye on, whereas I'd probably be totally uninterested otherwise.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I'm excited he's involved as well... But Batgirl? She could easily be introduced in Gotham City Sirens because I'm not sure she needs an entire film dedicated entirely to her. But I'll give it a chance

If this turns out being the best DC movie in the recent franchise? He's gunning for Snyder and after League, I would bet he gets it.

This really smells of audition movie (not that Whedon needs to prove himself in the genre). Here take a minor character no one really cares about. If the movie fails, what did you expect? If you make something great, try these A-listers next time.

Don't get too excited. They can't even get Batman off the ground so anything else announced at this point should be taken with a grain of salt.

Don't get too excited. They can't even get Batman off the ground so anything else announced at this point should be taken with a grain of salt.

I doubt anyone is excited for Batgirl.

This might just do nobody any good.
Joss Whedon “dropped out” because he “didn’t have a story”. Everyone assumed (correctly) that he was fired in the wake of Justice League’s reception and Warner Bros. DC branch getting new management.

Writers like Roxane Gay, Hope Larson, and Michelle Welles (who works as an executive on DC film properties) have chimed in on Twitter, offering to work on the film.

TBH, the only way I get excited for this is if Greta Gerwig and Saoirse Ronan get onboard.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I think the idea of Batgirl is a good one, as long as they make her the commissioner Gordon's daughter version of Batgirl. Because then Gordon is in a real hot spot, as commissioner, when he finds out her own daughter is a vigilante, and will have to choose a side. Could be pretty dramatic if done right.

However, I think Batman should be in the movie too then, since Batgirl would logically get her motivation to become Batgirl, from being inspired by Batman.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Everyone assumed (correctly) that he was fired in the wake of Justice League’s reception and Warner Bros. DC branch getting new management.
Was that ever confirmed?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I gave Ironpony a thumbs up but then got to thinking, the conflict for James Gordon isn't that Batgirl is a vigilante. Remember, he'd been working with Batman for a while when she appeared. It's that his daughter, the seemingly mild-mannered librarian, is risking her life (though unbeknownst to him, at least originally). But Gordon should play a major role and Batman should at least have a cameo.

Now who do you think should play her? And who should be the villain?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh thanks, for the potential thumbs up . I just thought that with Gordon, he doesn't know who Batman is, so it's not a conflict of interest so much. When he knows it's his own daughter the conflict of interest in his job is much higher I thought maybe, and felt they really could build on that. I still feel that Batman should be in the movie though, cause that is where Batgirl gets the idea to become Batgirl from is him. So he would still have to be in the movie then, right?

As for a villain, I think we could use maybe The Riddler or Poison Ivy maybe?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Why her? Isn't she like 45 now or something? Which means Gordon would have be ready for retirement, if that's okay.