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I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
I pretty much agree with the above.

The trekking to find a colossus was neat for a bit, but then I just wanted fast travel.

I will say it looks great in a way that isn't graphic porn.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I'm gonna start the search again today, SotC is really good...but not something I can't put down.
I really don't know what to recommend. Maybe give some examples of things you've liked enough to spend a lot of time with recently?

I mean, I could just say to download XCOM 2 as it's one of this month's PS+ games...

What about Life is Strange? You dig David Cage's stuff and, in my 'umble opinion, LiS takes his basic game template to a whole other level.

Anyway, I downloaded the new Android Steam Link app for my TV. It definitely needs some work - It's very picky about what controller it recognises and the display lag is 50ms, compared to 15ms for the dedicated Steam Link box on my wired network. Fine for non-action games but, me being an arsey arse, the first game I tried with the app was Dark Souls.

It did not end well. Picture quality is great but the lag made the game unplayable - This is bound to vary compared to whatever machine the app is running on, and your own network vagaries. My TV seems like a mid-range Android tablet in terms of power (although it can run MAME and Retroarch really well) , so I'd love to see how the Link app performs on something like a Shield TV.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
Maybe Wolfenstein or Doom. I don't really do shooters, but I think being action focused games will keep my attention. Going to a Redbox and getting a game for $3 beats buying something I won't play. I don't see myself buying another game until Red Dead.

I will get LiS, but I'm still waiting for that super cheap price drop.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Maybe Wolfenstein or Doom. I don't really do shooters, but I think being action focused games will keep my attention. Going to a Redbox and getting a game for $3 beats buying something I won't play. I don't see myself buying another game until Red Dead.

I will get LiS, but I'm still waiting for that super cheap price drop.
Episode 1 is free.

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
I tried to find that free ep, maybe a PS + deal?

The Order 1886 looks like a winner. I can rationalize $3.25 for Redbox rentals, but I get gunshy about $5 dl. I remember hearing there were issues with The Order 1886, but not $5 issues.

I saw GT Sport is $20 and NFS Payback was $30 ish... $23 .

The People's Republic of Clogher
It's showing up as Episode 1 being free (listed on its own as a separate game) on the Euro PSN site. Maybe it's not available in the US but I remember it being fairly well advertised at the time that Dontnod were making episode 1 free to entice people into buying the rest of the series.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
It's showing up as Episode 1 being free (listed on its own as a separate game) on the Euro PSN site. Maybe it's not available in the US but I remember it being fairly well advertised at the time that Dontnod were making episode 1 free to entice people into buying the rest of the series.
I went ahead and checked, it's still free, I don't have PSN and I'm from the States. One has to make sure to go specifically to Episode One though.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
In other news, Atari (in some form, its ownership has changed hands many times) is developing a new console and launched a Kickstarter in-order to raise funds for it. Now, I'm too much of a skeptic to ever invest in a Kickstarter, but it might be something to look forward to at a later date. The original goal was $100,000, and now, with 12 days still left, it's about to cross 3 million, so, it's definitely a successful campaign.

According to the Kickstarter, it will come with over one-hundred Atari games pre-installed (not really much of a get there), but they've also made it clear they want to feature modern-titles as well (which is what caught my interest). Something else interesting is that it will have a Linux operating system downloaded and will allow homebrew games (similar to the Retropie). It's definitely not something I'd spend $300 on (which is what it will cost if you buy a console with a controller included), but maybe when the price lowers and if they actually have some fun modern titles (I'm imagining arcade type titles more than anything).

The People's Republic of Clogher
I went ahead and checked, it's still free, I don't have PSN and I'm from the States. One has to make sure to go specifically to Episode One though.

No excuses, Double D. BECOME that teenage girl!

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
I don't think I can go back further than 8-bit. I remember thinking Atari sucked when I was little.

In random bits nobody cares aboot...

I had $5 in my wallet but couldn't use it towards the $5.34. It did some new math, that made me pay $4 from paypal and the rest from my opposed to all of the wallet and ...

The People's Republic of Clogher
In other news, Atari (in some form, its ownership has changed hands many times) is developing a new console and launched a Kickstarter in-order to raise funds for it. Now, I'm too much of a skeptic to ever invest in a Kickstarter, but it might be something to look forward to at a later date. The original goal was $100,000, and now, with 12 days still left, it's about to cross 3 million, so, it's definitely a successful campaign.

According to the Kickstarter, it will come with over one-hundred Atari games pre-installed (not really much of a get there), but they've also made it clear they want to feature modern-titles as well (which is what caught my interest). Something else interesting is that it will have a Linux operating system downloaded and will allow homebrew games (similar to the Retropie). It's definitely not something I'd spend $300 on (which is what it will cost if you buy a console with a controller included), but maybe when the price lowers and if they actually have some fun modern titles (I'm imagining arcade type titles more than anything).

It's basically a TV streaming box (or worse, an Ouya ) in an admittedly nice looking case and it's $200 too expensive.

Yep, there's an emotional pull in the same way that the mini Nintendos, Segas (although they're total trash as machines), Commodores and Spectrums have, but I've got no want to play any 2600 games in 2018.

Unless, that is, I want to experience the worst version of Pac-Man, the worst version of Donkey Kong etc.

I'd rather have one of these. Yep, the faceless company owning the Atari name really does sell them...

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I didn't do a whole lot of digging to see whether or not it allows use of third-party controllers, but, if it does, that, at least, would chip off about $80, bringing it to about $220, and whatever the shipping cost is. I still wouldn't buy it, but that at least feels a little more realistic (but still too expensive).

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
Everything about the Order: 1886 may be true. Too much cutscene, not really engaging as a shooter... but man it looks great and the voice acting is superb. Then again, I don't think those negs apply to a $5 game.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Star Citizen added a game mechanic! Mining!

(I love this game )
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Tell you what looked good at E3 - the new devil may cry. That samurai game also looked decent. The last of us 2 looked brutal and graphically spectacular. Rage 2 looked decent. That’s all that captured my attention.

Anyone super hyped for anything or just meh?

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
E3 was a lackluster affair ime. I can't say anything got me excited.
Death Stranding looks more pretentious than anything Kojima ever made, hard to believe.
TLoU was not fun for me to play. Looked great, great story, but zero fun. TLoU II will be a pass until super dirt cheap.
CP 77 was just a movie...
I needed a FF VII shot or new game news.

The RE remake is the only thing that piqued my interest, but more because "that's neat" instead of "dying to play".

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
For a little weekend change of pace, the Crew II beta is free to pc, X1 and ps4. No sub service required, except for social aspects.