"Stepmom" - dear lord.

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Registered User
Alright. This movie is downright suicidally sad.

Now me being the natural, tough ass that I am, decided to watch this movie with my girlfriend with the only expectation that I was going to be bored to tears.

Though, what a pleasent surprise this was. Not only was I thoroughly intrigued throughout the entire movie, I was actually entertained.

The only downfall is, I'm now maniacally depressed. Jesus. This is one sad movie, especially when Susan Sarandon is talking to her kids about death at the end.

This is the only the second movie ever, that has ever brought me to tears. The first was, "Honey I shrunk the kids." Y'know when the ant dies.

Good-Natured, Film-Loving Fellow
Yeah, this one really has the power to depress, eh? I liked it very much the first time I saw it, and I've liked it just as much about 10 times since then. I'm a real sucker for Susan Sarandon, Ed Harris, and the young and talented Jena Malone. Have you seen her performance in Saved?

I watched it with my family long back... it was really forgettable.. I can't even remember a damn thing about it.

I have a sort of a defense mechanism that way... I block out films from my memory.

This is the only the second movie ever, that has ever brought me to tears. The first was, "Honey I shrunk the kids." Y'know when the ant dies.
Oh yeah, I remember that moment! My lips started trembling, My eyes misted over ... then some lady in the back of the theatre starts howling with uncontrollable LAUGHTER!

Then I thought, well, yes of course, how silly, it's only an ant.

People Need To Re-Read **** Twice on Here
Oh yeah, I remember that moment! My lips started trembling, My eyes misted over ... then some lady in the back of the theatre starts howling with uncontrollable LAUGHTER!

Then I thought, well, yes of course, how silly, it's only an ant.
ants are animals.
animals have feeling to
how cold hearted are you?

"There's No F***ing Ice Cream In Your F***ing Future"

this was a nice movie and I love this kinda emotional movies....