1930s Hall of Fame Part 2


Y'all have fun, I'll catch up with how it went in the morning

@Siddon, @cricket, @Citizen Rules, @MijaFrost @Pussy Galore, @Nathaniel, @Thursday Next, @pahaK, @Chypmunk, @rauldc14

The Votes are In!!
The Reveal is ready!!

This is a bit last minute, which I apologize for, power was out due to heavy winds in my area for a chunk of the day, BUT, if everyone is geared to, we can do this, this evening.
I'm thinking around 8 pm Eastern Time, if that's a go.

I'll be adding the number of positions for each reveal along with the number of points and the position they were at with each group of 3, and then the final amount with the final 2 Lists.
So that's the first set of three, the second group of three, the third set and final points and positions all lumped into each reveal.
Just a fun bit of trivia to add to them.
I can't wait to see this, but I won't be able to be online at 11 pm Western Time so I will have to check in the next day.

We sure had a great bunch of films, I can't wait to see where they end up.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I can't wait to see this, but I won't be able to be online at 11 pm Western Time so I will have to check in the next day.

We sure had a great bunch of films, I can't wait to see where they end up.
I will say this, the voting, much like the nominations was rather diverse. The span of high and low scoring pretty much affected every nomination.
After the reveal I'll post the full layout of points and amounts of placements.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

I'm here

Guessing Chain Gang for the No. 1 spot.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
And, it begins:

Eleventh Place:
Red Dust (1932) Director: Victor Fleming
Running Time: 1hr & 23min
Nominated by rauldc14

1 Third Place 1 Fourth, 1 Fifth, 2 Eighth, 1 Ninth, 4 Tenth, 1 Eleventh


First Set of Three: (12) 9th
Second Set of Three: (24) 10th
Third Set (31) 11th

Final Points and Placement: (44) 11th

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Tenth Place:
Mad Love (1935) Director Karl Freund

Running Time: 1hr & 8min
Nominated by: Siddon

1 First, 2 Third, 4 Ninth, 1 Tenth, 3 Eleventh


First Set of Three: (13) 8th
Second Set of Three: (18) 3rd
Third Set (40 9th

Final Points and Placement: (46) 10th