Life Changing Movies


Registered User
Films that have maybe changed the way i go about situations and my perspective on my life are sweet sixteen and bullet boy (both british i may add) also maybe antoine fisher and finding forrester.

For me they would have to be....

The Matrix
The Shawshank Redemption
American Beauty

i know there are more, but i just can't think of them off the top of my head.

Success is the only Earthly judge..
Napoleon Dynamite-made me never wanna smoke pot...

King Kong-don't date white women outside of the species. or else you'll fight dinosaurs and end up dead on the streets of New York City...

Spider Man 2-when losing supernatural powers don't seek standard medical help...

And in all seriousness--Fight Club...nuf said
Success is the only earthly judge of right and wrong...

American history X
Stand by me
dazed and confused

IM to lazy to read through all these posts to see if anyone else said it, but i'd have to say American Beauty.

Mrs.Robinson's Avatar
will is Everything...
Clockwork shocks anybody easily...i understood that violence is inevitible reality in our life...everybody wants it never end the ground !

stranger then a drunken mime
"There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening. The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence. "

And for mine id have to say Crash. Made you think about the effects of racism.
"No, we don't have any needles here... Just a big f*cking gun"

The Matrix Trilogy

Star Wars Trilogy (The original)

Walk the Line

How can I be weak,I'm Rather Unique
Mar Adentro (The Sea Inside) changed my outlook on a whole lot of things in life...
Positive Education Activates Constant Elevation


A Corey Feldman movie called Dream a Little Dream sent me spiraling into a strange new experience in life called "depression." Then again, I was like...12 years old or something, and you could blame it on puberty!
something witty goes here......

DeftDelivery's Avatar
Registered User
Fight Club. Who couldn't resist the antisocial behavior? So REFRESHING! Not to mention an incredible film, both the screenplay and direction.
I usually get kissed before I get f*cked.

Teeth of Lions Rule the Divine
I think a lot of movies change the way I view life, and other aspects, but that changed my life completely is Requiem for a Dream.Becasue it showed me that people are like that and do get hopelessly addicted to drugs like that, and would do anything to get high even if it means hurting their loved ones.
"Walk down the right back alley in Sin City and you can find anything..."

taxi driver

The Star Wars Saga has had a major impact on many of the decisions I've made concerning loyalty and sacrifice. Sounds cheezy, but it's true.

"Pay It Forward" is very touching movie. I've learned a lot from it, well it made cried as I was watching it. It's highly recommended.

I guess the closest I've ever come to a "life-changing" film was "Backboard Jungle," with "Rock Around the Clock" came blasting out over the opening credits. That was the birth of rock 'n' roll for my generation, and in the rest of the film Vic Morrow and Sidney Portier showed us what it meant to be cool and "rebels." "The Wild One" fanned my already existing love for motorcycles, and Marlon Brando and James Dean showed us how to imitate "rebels without a clue" in our teen years just as Roy Rogers inspired us to be backyard cowboys in our boyhood. Any changes were superficial, however. I rode motorcycles but joined no gangs. Wore my hair long and combed into a ducktail, but never carried a switchblade. Went through the motions but never bought into the lifestyle. Later joined the army, went to college, became very respectable middle class with kids and grandkids, a good career and a place in the community.

I have to return some videotapes.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind did it for me.
"Jesus Marimba, a lovely beast like that runnin around can put steam in a man's strides."
DVDPlay movie rental kiosk

By far.....

Fight Club (amazing movie....totally cahnged my perspective on the world and society)

Telephone Booth or Phone Booth

both are amazing

You have been Juged!!!!
The Outsiders
It changed the way I looked at people.
"in the end it's only cornflakes."