movie idea


ok im comin up with a new story for a movie i will shoot...its about this thing that happens over night, it starts with a guys tire blowin up, he has to find a phone b.c he is carrying this black book, he goes in a bar, with 3 old pppl there and a snuff film goin on downstairs..he goes down...the guy in leather mask chases him..the girl who works there helps him to leave....then he goes to her place to make a fone call, etc...then she asks him for a favor to go with him to this place..
the movie will end that the main character will be a bad guy, and the book he will deliver is to a satanic church
where do you think the story should go from where he goes to the girl's house to lead to the satanic church?

Hey, Man! Don't just post this stuff free on the internet! These ideas are pure, solid GOLD!!!!

Somebody get Harvey Wienstein on the phone, and quick!
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Im my honest opinion, It's not my cup of tea.
James Sparrow's Rented Reviews!

The Reaping 7/10
Transformers 8.5/10
Flight of the Living Dead 6/10
The Invisible 6/10
Return to House on Haunted Hill 1/10
Planet Terror 8/10
A Mighty Heart 7/10

A system of cells interlinked
So, in this day and age, of like, cellphones and stuff, A guy with a little black book goes to a bar and then they go to...this place...and then there is a satanic church.

Am I to understand that some lady would take a stranger to her house to make a phone call? So no one in the whole town has a cellphone he can

So what was the snuff film in the film for again? Oh, I misread, there are three old people and a snuff film. Makes sense now.

My IQ hurts
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I got movie ideas! I got a couple really good ones to. But I'm not sharing because if someone were to steal them i'd flip.

Originally Posted by The_Elephant_Man
I got movie ideas! I got a couple really good ones to. But I'm not sharing because if someone were to steal them i'd flip.
But would you flip us for real? Now that's the question

I have no idea what that means in this context but have always liked that quote so ya'll will just have to live with it
__________________ - Movie reviews and quotes for those of us fortunate enough to not have our heads shoved up overly critical rectums!

My Top 100 favorite movies.

I wipe my ass with your feelings
Is there nudity?

Originally Posted by GODFATHER
where do you think the story should go from where he goes to the girl's house to lead to the satanic church?
A wild chase after it's revealed that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is actually God and is trying to keep the hero from disseminating his godless commie propaganda.