Re-Animator (1985)

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It's a great 1985 Sci-fi horror comedy with a cult following about a medical student who brings the dead back to life with a special serum, he even brings back to life the severed head and body of his rival but only to find out the rival wants the secrets of his formula.

It's got gore, violence, nudity, sharp dark humor, a hot blonde, great acting for a B-Movie, medical scenes and more. Highly recommended but not for the faint of heart!

Similar movies recommended: " The Evil Dead", "Evil Dead 2", " 28 Days Later", " Bride of Re-Animator", " Beyond Re-Animator", "Day of the Dead", " The Toxic Avenger", " Basket Case", " Blood Diner", " Versus", " Freddy Vs. Jason", " Cannibal Holocaust", " The Return of the Living Dead 3", " Scanners", " Demons", " Suspiria", " Dawn of the Dead 2004 remake", " From Beyond", " City of the Living Dead ( a.k.a. The Gates of Hell)", " The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 with Dennis Hopper", " House of 1000 Corpses", " Phenomena", " Tenebre", " The New York Ripper", " Maniac ( 1980)", " Videodrome", " Final Destination 2", " Resident Evil", " Hell of the Living Dead", " House of the Dead", " Zombie", " An American Werewolf in London", " Flesh for Frankenstein", " Caligula", " Riki-Oh The Story of Ricky", "Dead Alive", " From Dusk Till Dawn", " The Lost Boys", and " The Beyond" ( a.k.a. The 7 Doors of Death, Lucio Fulci's The Beyond).

Silly, stupid, and a helluva ride. Though, my opinion may be a little biased because I've always liked Jeffrey Combs so much.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

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i really loved re-animator.

but what i want to know is why 'from beyond' isnt mentioned in your 'movies to see' list. ~?it's every bit a worthy followup to re-animator from stuart dordon.

also, why return of the living dead 3 but not the first return of the living dead [which i just watched last night and was awesome, by they way]?

EDITI meant Stuart Gordon, by the way, but Stuart Dordon is also a pretty good cheesy horror movie director. At least I assume he is in some paralel comic book continuity universe.EDIT

If it weren't for Combs I don't think that the Re-Animator movies would have been anywhere near entertaining. When I saw Beyond Re-Animator it had a room of like 12 freaking out just disturbed by what was going on. None of us had a clue what the hell we were watching but no one offered to stop it, and the rat's final battle at the end will forever live on in infamy among us.
Make it happen!

March is a time for one of the local Horror Cons that visit my part of town. Last night we were treated to a showing of Re-Animator at one of my favorite cinemas that I haven't been to see in quite a while. The convention is going on this weekend and this was part of the promotion as Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, Bruce Abbot, and Brian Yuzna will be attending including a panel Q & A today. Brian showed up last night at our showing and did a quick introduction and Q & A so that was fun. After witnessing it again last night I can say the movie is still a favorite and to see it in a cinema with a good audience was fantastic.


@Yoda you seem drunk with power back in those days.

@Yoda you seem drunk with power back in those days.
I definitely did not (do not?) have a lot of patience for people who don't pay any attention. Lots of mistakes I shrug off pretty easily but the "this would've been avoided if I'd spent 10 seconds looking" mistake always galls me a bit.

In this case, it seems likely from what I said that I probably explicitly told them not to do this and then they immediately did it again.

All that said, these days I'd probably have the same reaction but just express it less noticeably. But that's mostly through the sheer weariness of having to fix this kind of thing for 20+ years and not necessarily a reflection of personal growth.

I saw a Chuck Norris film about the same thing recently, made in 1980 or 1982 thereabouts. Good movie.
That's one good mine I have yet to explore somehow. Might have to get to that soon someday.

I love this film and its sequel was great too. Not a fan of the 3rd one tho
" I can't lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies."

It's a great 1985 Sci-fi horror comedy with a cult following about a medical student who brings the dead back to life with a special serum, he even brings back to life the severed head and body of his rival but only to find out the rival wants the secrets of his formula.

It's got gore, violence, nudity, sharp dark humor, a hot blonde, great acting for a B-Movie, medical scenes and more. Highly recommended but not for the faint of heart!
>>>>>That movie has been sometimes referred to as a pie fight in a slaughterhouse. It seems like an apt description. I first saw it in a festival, not knowing that I was getting into. I recall it pretty much setting a benchmark for over the top gory gore.<<<<<<