The MoFo Top 100 Foreign Language Film Countdown

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Two more I haven't seen so...

My Summary:

Seen: 5/26
My list: 1/25

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The 90s sucked eggs so hard and Chungking Express is one of the most 90s things to ever exist.
New list idea right there. Never mind the best 90s movies, just the most 90s movies to exist.

I'm nominating But I'm A Cheerleader and Human Traffic.

I'll pick Tank Girl for the 90s list.

Rififi is classic.

Chungking is excellent, but, um, I picked the other one.....

Rififi is a movie that deserves a second chance from me. Feels like something I should love, but I was underwhelmed.

Chunking Express is the first of mine to show, I had it #7. I was hoping it would place higher but I am thrilled to see it.

I love the 90’s and it’s the most 90’s thing ever.

Rififi was one of my last cuts, probably hurt by not having seen it in a while.

Chungking Express was easily my favorite of the 3 movies I've seen from that director.

Right on I had Chungking Express at #6 because the 90s were so very, very good, something that cannot be denied, and this film was one of the best of that exceptional decade.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

I haven't seen Rififi.

Chungking Express is really good. I cared for the characters in the second episode more than the first one, but the combination of the cinematography and the music in it has an almost dizzying quality to it. Didn't make my ballot though.

Right on I had Chungking Express at #6 because the 90s were so very, very good, something that cannot be denied, and this film was one of the best of that exceptional decade.
[Editor's note: the author is the organizer of The MoFo Top 100 of the Nineties Countdown]

I watched Rififi recently, good film. It reminded me of John Huston's The Asphalt Jungle and Stanley Kubrick's The Killing, though not as good as either of those.
I liked it quite a bit more than both of those. All three really need second looks though. I watched all three at a time when I was watching a bunch of Noir, and my mind for plot has been well documented on mofo. I don’t remember much about any of them past my reactions to them at the time.

I liked it quite a bit more than both of those. All three really need second looks though. I watched all three at a time when I was watching a bunch of Noir, and my mind for plot has been well documented on mofo. I don’t remember much about any of them past my reactions to them at the time.
I prefer The Asphalt Jungle over The Killing myself, though both are tops. And you should give them another look, they're some of the most esteemed of the CAN around.

I prefer The Asphalt Jungle over The Killing myself, though both are tops. And you should give them another look, they're some of the most esteemed of the CAN around.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched Rififi a while back for a HoF, and I thought it was a great movie. I wanted to rewatch it for this countdown, but unfortunately I just ran out of time and didn't get a chance. It might have made my list if I had rewatched it, but it just wasn't clear enough in my mind to include it on my list. I'm not surprised to see that it made the countdown anyway, but I thought it would have been higher.

I've never heard of Chungking Express.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

2 more great films. What a list this is! Rififi is one of the greatest heist films of all time. Tension all the way through. Chungking Express although not my favourite Wong Kar Wai is unmissable for any cinephile.

Rififi is a classic top tier heist drama, had it on my '3 months ago ballot', it now resides at #29, next to Le Cercle Rouge at #30.

Chungking Express is great, especially the first half of the film, but I did like Jinnistan and voted for 'the other one' by Wong Kar-wai.