Who shall Badger with me?


Ok I will wash the dogs butts & I will use gloves. Didnt before, I used my bare hands. Speakin of butts, are you guys goin on 4th of July picnics?
God save Freddie Mercury!

If I were British I'd be eating pudding right now instead of ice cream. We'd have double decker school buses filling up our schools. My mum would be inside cooking up a lamb while watching Two Fat Ladies on the telly instead of barbecuing. Cowboys would have had English style saddles. The most popular ride at Disneyland would be the teacup ride. Happy 4th of July everybody!

Here's a card for you British folks.

HA funny card, Sun ..THANKS!!! We have the Beatles, you have elvis so I guess were even. Happy 4th of July to you too, what do they have on the telly over there besides sports? I guess you must have that crap called Breakfast at Wimbledon too, loll. Tomorrow Pigsnie is going to bring us all to womens semifinals .. thats me, mum & dad-- so I have to take a bath tonite, grrrrrrr. Pigsnie says I smell like the new puppy & I had better change my sheets.

Female assassin extraordinaire.
good lord, PLite, you've got smelly sheets and you think you can win a stylish gal like me?

i like musicals, actually. film musicals, not so much the stage musicals, unless they're particular and have a stunning lead - Julie Andrews, Victor/Victoria etc. yeah, I love 'em. one of my favorite film classes ever ... been watching them since about the age of 12 ... i'm not into the western themed ones though (like Oklahoma) ... just not my style.

i decided to be Anti American and avoid barbecues and fireworks today. decided to stay in and get some much need sleep and roll around in the bed watching tv and playing video games and surfing the net. then again ... that makes me a couch potato, so forget that, I AM American!!!

Thmilin, I finally saw your photo instead of that big red x that usually shows up instead. You are very pretty in your white dress & yearbook. but you are defnitely too young for Pigsnie, Im much more elgible, loll. and I just washed my sheets & I think I just saw 2 hairs under my lip.
TIME to Shave!!!!!

I wonder where is Wortle? I hope that moroon Timing didnt drive him away. And where is MiteyMouse?

I saw you too!
PLite, Pigsnie is calling you. He said, uhm.. your dog is climbing out the window or something. You better go look.

where can I see milin's photo?
**** the Lakers!

Theres a link on the bottom of this page calle d Chez Miriam. Thats where her pics are. but she hid her fruits well, loll.
An there goes me pup down the street!!!! Luckly hes got no sense of direction & hes tryin to squeeze his fat butt back under the gate.

Female assassin extraordinaire.
haha, what, everybody wants to see me now? i wasn't trying too hard to hide it ...

umm, that pic was taken when I was 17, good sir. i am now a ripe and ready 21 and far too mature for YOU.

you do know that girls have a higher maturity level from 5-10 years over guys. if I got with you that'd be like getting with a squirt. no no, too young for me.

and mebbe I am too young for Pigsnie ... I do need goofy, as I said before, but Pigsnie's just occasionally silly. But that doesn't mean I can't lust for his ... or Toby's ... throbbing brains from afar.

Registered User
So--- when are you guys going to Japan?
And as to the 2 hairs on your upper lip-- are you sure they didn't come from the top of your unbathed head?

I personally can't stand shaving. (Even though I shave every 2 weeks--and most of my haole friends do it everyday.)I tried to grow a goatee once but it was so heavy-maintenance, I just shaved what I had--off. It looked strange on me anyway. I must not have enough testesterone to grow facial hair Which suits me fine.
Blonde Klingons: Because it was a good day to dye!

We are leaving on Wednesday afternoon and we will be gone for two weeks. Well, I doubt if PLite will be "gone" that long -- he insists that I bring the laptop, so he will likely be posting his views on the bourgeois morality of singing toilet seats. Won't you be looking forward to that? LOL.
Pigsnie, Vicar of Fries!

I don't think movieforums would feel the same without PLite posting his views on just about everything.

Yah Steve isnt it sad that I wont be pesterin TWT, hahaha!!! Luckily I didnt start a thread called My Spleen, your Thoughts! hahaha!! I am too excited to sleep, I cant sleep a wink ..JAPAN here I come, make way for someone cuter than Ichiro !!!!!!!!!!

Registered User
It looks like the Pigsnie Family drives this thread--- their headquarters, I guess

Dont want badger to vanish while I am gone so ..

the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane.
I just saw AI!!! it is playin in Japan now. Those things in the end are NOT aliens, they are wobots! weird movie, I dont know if i like it.
My foots asleep.
I am drinkin this soda called Pokari sweat. Dont taste that great, I just want to bring home the can to show me mates.

Do they have lots of Pokimon stuff there?

the no. 2 movie here is POKEMON 4!!! so its still popular I guess. Other movies in the top 10 Pigsnie says are AI (#1), mummy returns, miss congenyality & crocodile dundee. hannibal made like $35 million US & I got a hannibal t shirt which has somethin in japanese on it, very cool. Pigsnie says the translations garbled becuz it reads-- I like your beans, hahahaha!!!! I have 6 tee shirts, Iwill be the coolest guy in the UK!! also tryin to get Pigsnie to buy me some of that realistic fake plastic food you see in restraunts here, I want a fake bucket of KFC but Pigsnie says it is too expensive, waaaaaaahhhh :bawl:

I know I know, Im a spoiled bratt. hahaha

Where is Wortle & miteymose?

Female assassin extraordinaire.
yeah, well, it was Pigsnie Original and Toby who had the original Badger elsewhere so this sort of is their thread ...

LOL, PLite, Pocari Sweat isn't a soda!! That stuff is um, like Gatorade, basically. It's not meant to taste good, it's meant to make you look cool and replenish your minerals and stuff.

haha. but yeah, it's mighty expensive over in them there parts. Nothing like a $5 half-size coke to quench your thirst.