The fuze931 Current Top 100 List

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I've not seen either of these. Or, at least, if I've seen Planes, Trains and Automobiles I don't remember it. The Host doesn't look at all like my kind of movie, but I see it's free to stream for Amazon Prime members so I might check it out.

To be honest, I have come to seriously dislike him. I can't say hate, but I do understand why people do. Airheads is an awesome movie! You just made me really want to see that again!

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I can't figure out how to on the cell phone. Any help?

Give me all of your candy!
I had pictures found for all of them just couldn't find a way to put them on my cell phone besides attachments.....and who clicks those? Hahaha

When you reply, you'll see a little icon that looks like mountains with the sun over it. Click the icon and then paste the url of the picture into the window that pops up. Or just type:

[ img ] [ /img]

without spaces and with the url in between

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The House of the Devil

Directed by Ti West

This movie scared the crap out of me. I love the overall pace of this film and there is sort of a lack of emotion from the protagonist. I actually liked that. It felt like she was in an early life crisis and depressed, desperate for any situation to put her in motion. I was told to watch this by a friend, and usually I hate scary films, but somehow the poster intrigued me. I love the films style. If someone told me this was filmed in 2009, I would have laughed in their face. The scene that really had my heart thumping was when her best friend is murdered. That was one of the most out of left field scenes I have ever witnessed and went from an escalating sense of a storm coming to an all around mad house. It starts slow. QUITE slow. But if you get past the cliche desperate college girl trying to make ends meat story, this movie may just surprise you.

I liked House Of The Devil. I didn't think it was scary, but then, I don't think any film's scary. Well, with the exception of Pinocchio and The Entity when I was a kid. Of those two, I really like The Entity, whereas I don't think I'll ever watch Pinocchio again because it's still evil.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

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Directed by Randal Kleiser

This movie has had a soft spot in my heart since childhood. When you grow up with a little sister who is as bratty and snotty as mine was, you are going to watch what she wants to or nothing at all! After endless days of this, I finally came to enjoy our daily dose of Olivia and John. Cheesy acting, cool, snappy dialogue, fun sets, and contagious sing-alongs, this has become a family classic for us over the years. Plus.....let's face it. This movie is downright cool. I may catch a bad rep for this one, but it is a guilty pleasure. By no means an amazing film, it definitely holds a spot on my personal list.