Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Importer-Exporter


What is the meaning of your username?
It's a Seinfeld reference. On a forum I was a member of I wanted to change my username to Art Vandelay, but it was already taken so this was my second idea to allude to Art Vandelay. Here's a YouTube video which explains the reference better than I can.

Where were you born? Sydney

Do you have any sibling? Yes, 5

Where would you travel to, if you could pick any place at all? Macho Pinchu

Why? I hear it's awe inspiring

Do you believe in luck? Karma, yes.

Do you consider yourself a lucky person? Sometimes?

Do you have a lucky number? No

If so, what is it?

What is your favorite kind of clothing? Summer, board shorts. Winter, Jumper/Jacket

Indoors or outdoors? Outdoors, if it's a nice day.

What are your 5 favorite things to do outdoors? Beach, Cycling, Football (touch these days), Eating fish & chips on the beach, and jet skiing when possible.

What are your 5 favorite things to do indoors? Movies, on the Computer surfing for porn, forums, Music and making Love.

What is your favorite color? Purple

What is your favorite food? Hard one! Probably seafood?

What is your favorite dessert? Chocolate Mud cake,

Can you cook and/or bake? Yes, when I'm filled with inspiration.

What is your favorite restaurant? There's a little fish and chip place near me, that does the best battered fish around. Not fancy, but always packed. You can eat their, though in summer when sunny, just grab a bench near the beach.

What is your favorite song? Too hard.

What is your favorite music genre? Rock.

Do you prefer board games, or computer games? Probably board games. I'm starting despise computer games. Even middle aged people are starting to become too entranced by these hypnotic games.

What is your favorite sport? League

What is your favorite hobby, besides watching movies? Music, Gym.

What is your favorite TV show? Two and a half Men.

What is your least favorite TV show? Countless.

What is your favorite theater snack? Popcorn.

Theater, or home theater? Theatre for big budget action flicks. Home Theatre, for others.

If you had to throw away all your movies but one, which one would you keep? Hmmm? Godfather l & ll. May I have two, please?

Do you avoid watching certain movies, simply because of an actor that is in them? Yes, I suppose I do occasionally.

Name 5 actors you would love to meet, and why. What would you want to do to, or with them?

DeNiro - Great actor. Shoot some pool and have a couple of cold one's.
Charlize Theron - Have a guess, what I'd like to do?
Martin Scorsese - Ask him why, Leonardo DiCaprio is his new main Man?
Robert Downey Jr - I'm sure he would have some good stories to tell, that's if he could remember them?
Robin Williams - I'd have to an aspirin beforehand, though he'd keep you entertained.
Do you share your birthday with anyone famous? Yes.

If so, who? DiCaprio

Have you ever met anyone famous before? Yes.

If so, who? Football and Rock stars. You guys probably wouldn't even know who they are.

How many new movies do you watch per year? Maybe 10-14. At the Theatres, mind you.

Name the movie you hate the most. ?

Name the oldest movie you've seen. Gone with the Wind, but I have never seen it all.

Name the newest movie you've seen. Robin Hood

What is your favorite movie genre? Drama/Action

Who is your favorite action star? Robert Downey Jr, is he though an action star? Then there is Clint.

What is your favorite decade of movies? 90's

What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .

Horror? Friday the 13th, nightmare on elm street
Sci-fi? Contact & Star Wars
Suspense Thriller? Seven
Comedy? Bad Santa
Action? Kill Bill, rocky
Drama? Godfather ll
Musicals? ?
Westerns? Unforgiven
Martial Arts? crouching tiger, hidden dragon
War? Platoon, Born on the 4th July, Apocalypse Now

If you could look like anyone famous, who would it be? Danny De Vito

^That's correct. If you want to be grilled, you ask in the Grill a MoFo thread. The HotSeat! Grill a MoFo threads are only for questions directed to the person named in the thread title and that person's answers. Ergo, only Importer-Exporter's answers should be in this thread.