The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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Originally Posted by LAMb EELYAK
Just watched The Act of Killing director's cut. Not good for my blood pressure.

Followed this up with Nightcrawler and The Hunt. What are you guys trying to do to me?

And now you add Uncut Gems. RIP me.

Also haven't seen Moonrise Kingdom. First 0 for 2 since 96 & 95.

The Hunt really was great. I've never been so mad at a mother for trying to protect her daughter, specifically the scene in which she tells her the incident happened and she's repressing it.

Near the end of the movie, I was full-on weeping. Thomas Bo Larsen gave such a soulful performance.

Have you seen Good Time? I enjoyed it a notch more than Uncut Gems.
Oh every one who has seen Uncut Gems seems to feel the same. It is making me wonder should I check out Uncut Gems or should I try Good Time first.

Oh every one who has seen Uncut Gems seems to feel the same. It is making me wonder should I check out Uncut Gems or should I try Good Time first.
So both films feature screw-up main characters who are trying against increasingly bad odds to come out of a bad situation clean.

I was a bit more taken by the humor in Good Time and Robert Pattinson's total bozo of a main character. Uncut Gems feels a bit more serious.

I forgot the opening line.
Two films I like a lot revealed, not quite enough to make my ballot, but much loved by me...

38. Uncut Gems - Got this film on Criterion. I'm excited about where the Safdie brothers are heading, and that's all down to Uncut Gems with the way it captures the essence of loser character Howard Ratner, played with career-changing verve by Adam Sandler. We'd all seen in Punch-Drunk Love that he could become a great dramatic actor if he wanted, but Uncut Gems gave him the about-face-breakout role that should probably have earned him an Oscar nomination. Ratner is the cause of his own misery, but he constantly looks to the heavens for what he sees as "bad luck" - and as we get used to him we start to sense the disasters this character is about to orchestrate for himself and his long-suffering friends, family and acquaintances. This is so well directed and acted, and definitely one of the best films of 2019. It belongs on this list, although I have to admit by this stage I'd forgotten about it. Not quite enough to displace any of the titles on my ballot - but nearly enough.

37. Moonrise Kingdom - A lot of fun with an especially agreeable ensemble cast in this Wes Anderson film, although we spend most of our time with lead characters Sam Shakusky (Jared Gilman) and Suzy Bishop (Kara Hayward) - well played by the two young actors, and you get the sense that Anderson has just the right touch when it comes to kid performers. On the periphery we have Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton, Jason Schwartzman - how could you possibly not like that? Okay, if you hate Anderson's exaggerated sense of whimsy you'll have a hard time, but I'm a big fan of Wes Anderson's films, and Moonrise Kingdom is no exception. Again - it didn't quite make my ballot, but it was knocking pretty hard on the door.

Seen 57/64
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.
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I forgot the opening line.
For any Moonrise Kingdom fans who don't know, its stars Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward have a cameo together in Jim Jarmusch's Paterson (2016) - a film I voted for that ain't gonna appear here.
Ditto. I think Paterson is the kind of film that might alienate quite a few who see it, but I couldn't leave it off my ballot. Once we got to the 60s I gave up all hope, and I'll be interested to see if anyone else voted for it when we get to the end.

Ditto. I think Paterson is the kind of film that might alienate quite a few who see it, but I couldn't leave it off my ballot. Once we got to the 60s I gave up all hope, and I'll be interested to see if anyone else voted for it when we get to the end.

I briefly considered it, but it was always a long shot for my ballot

Ditto. I think Paterson is the kind of film that might alienate quite a few who see it, but I couldn't leave it off my ballot. Once we got to the 60s I gave up all hope, and I'll be interested to see if anyone else voted for it when we get to the end.
I like it quite a bit, but it was never in contention for my ballot.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm not a fan of Adam Sandler, but I watched Uncut Gems for this countdown because I heard that it was very good, and nothing like his stupid goofy comedy movies. This was a very intense movie, and quite a change of pace for Sandler. It's not really my type of movie, but it's a very good movie, and it proved that he can be a good actor when he wants to be.

I watched Moonrise Kingdom a few years ago, but I just don't get Wes Anderson's quirky humor.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I have never seen Uncut Gems. But I love a movie that keeps me on the edge of my seat. I will definitely have to see this.
Oh every one who has seen Uncut Gems seems to feel the same. It is making me wonder should I check out Uncut Gems or should I try Good Time first.
I found Uncut Gems more 'edge of my seat', intense and impactful than Good Time. But both are great films.