Disney buys LucasFilm, Star Wars Episode 7 slated for 2015


I'm not old, you're just 12.
Not bothered by this. Disney bought Marvel, and they've not interfered with the product. That said, I can, and would like to see a non Lucas directed Star Wars movie, because he had his shot with the prequels, and he just showed that he no longer had any idea what his own fans would want from the series. He delivered ham-fisted kid oriented crap, minus the unnecessarily dark Episode 3...I say give someone else a shot. Joss Whedon was mentioned, and he'd be great! I doubt it will be him, with Avengers 2 on the horizon, but SOMEONE without their head up their ass would be a good start.

Also, maybe just maybe we can now get the restored, un-retouched original trilogy? Without Lucas ruling over his empire with a CGI fist, maybe we can get the films we loved back?

I'm actually optimistic.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I don't see Joss Whedon going anywhere near Star Wars.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Yup, as I feared, they haven't even picked what the next film will be about and they want it to bow in 2015. K.

At about 2:00
I didn't hear that. I heard on that video that the Disney people are thinking about what movie ideas they could do, but George also mentioned he gave them his story treatments for 7, 8 and 9. There's another trilogy there.

I didn't hear that. I heard on that video that the Disney people are thinking about what movie ideas they could do, but George also mentioned he gave them his story treatments for 7, 8 and 9. There's another trilogy there.
I'm confused, you didn't hear what? She came out and admitted in the interview that they haven't even had writers come together and start brainstorming story ideas. In the film business, that literally means nobody has decided what the film's about. Nowhere in their agreement is Disney required to use Lucas' treatments. Lucas himself states (oddly enough in the same breath you quoted him on) the books, comics, and other EU materials are possibilities. But again, there's no obligation to produce his treatments, and chances are pretty high that other directors will want to use their own favorite materials or their own ideas. The same is true of the various producers attached to the project and Disney's studio executives overseeing the project.

Maybe I'm just confused by your wording ("I don't hear that"), because what Kathy Kennedy said directly means "they haven't even picked what the next film will be about" yet. It's good that you're optimistic they'll adopt George's story ideas (I personally am interested in finding out what they might be), but you're sort of kidding yourself if you choose not to hear what she said. Again, I'm just referring to the first part, because in the rest of your post you make true statements.
~ I am tired of ze same old faces! Ze same old things!
Xbox Live: Proximiteh


Obviously I've been talking about retiring
for several years now... I wanted to get into
another stage of life where I'm not in the film
business anymore and I don't have to run a
corporation... and it occurred to me one day
that person to take over the company was Kathy!
It was just such a perfect fit and I felt that
I really wanted to put the company somewhere
in a larger entity which would protect it.
Disney is a huge corporation. They have
all kinds of capability and facilities so that
there's a lot of strength that is gained by this.
The great thing about Disney again as we were
saying before is that, ya know, between the
parks and all the things they've got going...
it's great that we have a chance probably
to expand that and, uh, ya know, there's
LOTS and LOTS of opportunities at Disney
that we wouldn't have at any other studio.

There's huge opportunity given the tremendous
success that Disney's had with Marvel and with Pixar
and now adding Lucasfilm to that, I think, um,
we couldn't be at a better home.

When I first made Star Wars, everybody in
Hollywood said, "Well, this is a movie that
Disney should have made."

Disney DEFINES family entertainment and in
many ways it's the best company possible
to take Star Wars into the future.

And speaking of - we have other big news!

Well, um, I always said I wasn't gonna do anymore,
and that's true, I'm not gonna do anymore. But that
doesn't mean I'm unwilling to turn it over to Kathy
to do more. I have story treatments of 7, 8 and 9
and a bunch of other movies and obviously we have
hundreds of books and comics and everything you could
possible imagine. So, ya know, I sort of moved that
treasure trove of stories and various things to Kathy
and I have complete confidence that she's gonna take
them and make great movies.

We are ABSOLUTELY going to make Star Wars movies
and we're in the MIDST of the really fun part of the
process which is... we're sitting down with a couple
of writers and we're starting to discuss ideas
and we're starting to talk about what those stories
might be. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't
gonna be entirely on my own because it's important
that he at least continued to be a little guardian
angel on my soldier, helping me do this.

They're finishing the hologram now. Don't worry.

(Kathy and the Female Interviewer laugh.)

Yes. My Yoda has to be there.

I'm doing this so that the films will have a
longer life... and so that more fans and
people can enjoy them into the future. It's a very
big universe that I've created and there's a lot
of stories that are sitting in there.

The main thing is to the protect these characters -
make sure that they still continue to live
in the way that you created them and that the
universe of Star Wars continues to grow.

I get to be a fan now, which is what I was
saying before and I sort of look forward to it.
It's a lot more fun, actually, than actually
having to go out in the mud and the snow...

You could actually blog about what we're
doing and how we're messing things up!

(Cackling from Female Interviewer and Kathy.)

No, no, no, no. I'll just say, gosh, they're
out in the snow and it's cold... and, uh,
hopefully it'll be an inspiring... package of
entertainment that it has always been...
well, well, well into the future.


We are ABSOLUTELY going to make Star Wars movies
and we're in the MIDST of the really fun part of the
process which is... we're sitting down with a couple
of writers and we're starting to discuss ideas
and we're starting to talk about what those stories
might be.

Also (later):
I have story treatments of 7, 8 and 9
and a bunch of other movies and obviously we have
hundreds of books and comics and everything you could
possible imagine.

Exactly. I don't really want to be rude, but I question your understanding of the business and the filmmaking process if you think my statement about them not knowing what the movie's going to be about yet is false. That's exactly what the above statement means. What I said is based on quotable evidence fixed in a tangible medium.

I'll say it once more: George Lucas' treatments may very well not be used at all. There is no contractual obligation to produce George's treatments.

Also: Like I said, all those sources mentioned in essentially the same breath (same dang sentence, lol). All that indicates is that George mentioned his personally crafted narrative ideas first in a list of possible story sources. That's not a surprise.

Really, I can't tell... are you arguing with me or something? Because you keep saying and posting things that directly support what I said so I'm confused. Maybe just misinterpreting your intent.

edit: Oh, I get it, you think because they're in the MIDST of these discussions that they know what the story's going to be about. Yeah, that's not what that means, either. I bolded some other indicators you neglected to highlight. Think of a negotiation: the process is not the end, and in this case, the end is story approval. From the sound of it, they haven't even put together a draft yet if they've still got a writing team brainstorming, let alone produce their own modified treatment. Not sure why you capitalized "ABSOLUTELY," as if to make a point in a hypothetical debate where I actually did say they weren't making another movie, lol. Course, I never said that, so...

I capitalized or italicized what seemed emphasized to me by their own manner of speaking.

I have never said that they had the storyline for the next movie finalized. What am I saying is that it isn't clear that they haven't finalized the story yet. Your post, which I responded to earlier, suggested that they don't know what it's going to be about yet.

I countered this by saying, no, that's not what I heard. They are having meetings with writers and coming up with ideas. Lucas mentioned that they have the treatments for his 7, 8 and 9. They are also saying that they're coming up with ideas for additional stories (movies) besides new sequels to the Star Wars movies. They never make it clear where they're really at with 7, 8 and 9. All we know -- from this interview, at least -- is that it could possibly be happening. You also don't hear anything about 2015 from this interview, either. We just know that they have all of Lucas' materials and they have writers talking about future stories -- WHATEVER they might be.

They don't confirm anything about 7, 8 or 9 in this interview, but we do hear a tease from Lucas about them having his treatments. Based on this interview ALONE, I would say it could be hush-hush. Maybe they do have a final story for 7, 8 and 9. Kathy is being kind of vague. And that can make sense because they might want to slowly build up excitement and interest. It might not be time to unleash details about 7, 8 and 9. Now is just the time to let everyone know that Lucasfilm has been bought by Disney. Now everyone knows that change has happened and with change comes a future for Star Wars. A continuation of the movie franchise.

Sexy, I'm taking on tens of thousands of dollars of debt per year to study this business and I'm pretty far along in my scholarly endeavors. You don't have to believe me when I say I know what I'm talking about, but I do. You can ignore me trying to teach you something about the industry and the production process all you want, but I wouldn't if you're a serious film enthusiast.

A. "What am I saying is that it isn't clear that they haven't finalized the story yet."

My man, that's actually exactly what she said. It was perfectly clear. Refer back to the negotiation analogy.

B. "Your post, which I responded to earlier, suggested that they don't know what it's going to be about yet."

Because they don't, and if they did, they would have a screenwriter attached to the project. This would be publicized information as it'd almost certainly be a WGA writer.

If all they have now is multiple writers coming up with ideas, that means all they have right now is a group of guys/girls (many or all of whom are unlikely to pen the shooting script, let alone a rough draft or even a treatment) sitting in a room, saying, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if...?" That's what those writer assemblies she mentioned are for. There's no marketing advantage to saying, "We want this to come out in 2.5 years but haven't decided what it's going to be about yet." If anything, fans and stockholders prefer to hear the production team has had a clear goal for some time.

C. "You also don't hear anything about 2015 from this interview, either."

No, you don't, because that's from other sources and articles basically whizzing across the web right now. Have you been researching this at all or just going off that 2-minute video?

Overall, I think I'm going to move past this discussion. You said it yourself, you choose to hear those statements a certain way. I don't need to explain why that's ignorant. The issue is that you're not so much misinterpreting her words as you are overlooking some of them entirely (see A, also see bolded in previous quote of transcript). Without more intimate knowledge of the filmmaking process, I don't see you coming to understand why my statement is true. "1) They haven't even picked what the next film will be about and they want it to bow in 2) 2015."

1) Again, thanks for your transcription. It directly supported my statement. Refer to A and my previous post for explanation. Really, bro, you harp on the word 'midst' and wholly ignore equally strong indicators like 'starting' and 'might'? lol, come on, now.
2) CTRL+F 2015, man.

But whatever, man. Believe what you want to believe.

I am past caring about whatever I wrote and I feel more concerned about your well being, which appears to want to fight and argue and cry over taking on tens of thousands of dollars in debt to study this business so that you can CORRECT THE HELL OUT OF ME whenever I say something small and insignificant to this whole thing.

So, what do you wanna do, Proximity? You wanna get even more in depth about this with me? You wanna teach me all that you know? Come on, Pro. Teach me.

Hmmm... can only be a good thing.

After seeing what Lucas did to the franchise already, it's about time someone else took the reigns and tried to salvage it... I mean, the best Star Wars films weren't directed by him... the rubbish ones were though.

But Disney? Yes, I agree with it to an extent... they're big enough and ugly enough to take on a monster like Star Wars... but as others have already said, is this a precursor to R2D2 and C3P0 holdiday specials and silly cameos on Toy Story? More than likely which is why, in the meantime, I await patiently.

I just hope we don't get more Jar Jar Binks characters...

Gore Verbinski to direct though. He seems to understand to value of production, CGI, practical effects and decent swordfighting.

Disney making Star Wars...

It's not as if they've run other franchises into the ground and milked them for every soulless dollar they could get, right?


Keep on Rockin in the Free World
im more interested in the flirty death match between SC and the debt ridden know it all.

please continue.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

im more interested in the flirty death match between SC and the debt ridden know it all.

please continue.
It continued a little bit more on his user profile comments page. We also gave each other neg reps and he sent me a little private comment telling me I was wrong.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Great News that we are getting new films and GREAT news that Lucas has his interfering mits off the franchise.

Not sure what to make of Disney given recent disappointments of Tron and John Carter but hopefully we will get a good/great writer and Director to finally make the more ADULT Star Wars movies that fans have been hoping for since Return of The Jedi.

There must be a cartload of great Directors out there dying to get their hands on Star Wars.

Learn the lessons of the Prequels! Try to tone down the CGI and silly slapstick Jar Jar humour.

I'm a diehard Star Wars fan and this is a day I have been waiting for.