semi recent horror movie


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Not Enough Time
so i saw a movie on tv recently and im trying to remember both the name of the movie and the two main actors names. these two guys are on a road trip across the midwest or west and they play around on a bp radio when bored (messing with the truckers) sayong they are this girl. either they said their name was candy or the trucker said his name was candyman or both. anyway the trucker ends up staying in a hotel room next to them and killing someone, i think this happens a couple times, and the trucker ends up following them threatening to kill them the same way. i dont remember the end. this should be more than enough info. i remember the one main actors face, he has been in quite a few comedies, usually as a redneck type character, always kind of a wimp. help please! thanks
"so i turned away, because i didn't want to see. just like everybody else."

"If dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts"

Finally, a question I know the answer to! Too bad Rodent beat me to it xD

Also, if you liked Joy Ride you should check out the sequel