Idea for MF Top 100 Lists


I'm wondering if this idea I has been done before. I am also on a music forum in which we did a list of top 100 pieces (of various genres). Have we done this for movies here? If so, where could I find such a list, and if not, I think it would be a really cool idea.

For instance, we would have a nominating round in which people would list 10-20 of their top movies (we could do all movies, animated movies, action, whatever), and then after the nominating round a voting round would start where some of the nominated movies would make it to the list and then you would rank your top twenty (your favorite getting number one and least favorite getting number 20)...

Just an idea. If it's already been done, I'd appreciate if someone told me where to find it.

You can visit The TC Top Recommended Pieces by Mozart by just searching that to find the method that I'm suggesting (it's rather complicated but efficient).

Sorry, but where do I find them? I went to lists and all I can see are what it seems like personalized updates. I also can't edit them when other people do...

You should see the lists on the left. They look like this: Movie Forums: Top 100 of the 1970s. There should be a Manage Your Lists link there, too. That's where lists end up after the community has organized and curated the voting process. They can't be edited because they've already been voted on. The pages there are just for a) viewing them and b) checking off which ones you've seen.

If you're looking for the threads where all this happens, you can find them in the Movie Reviews forum (sort by replies, they're usually near the top). Here's one, for example, related to the linked list above:

I love that his username is the perfect response to you telling him he can't edit them.

Also you could maybe vote on the next one we're hosting here -

In the past some hosts have only allowed people who have been here a month but you could ask Citizen and maybe he'd be okay with it, if you even watch 30's films.