Things that annoy you...


^Everything you just said can be summed up as expectation vs. outcome.

If a movie gets a lot of hype/high ratings and you go into it expecting something great and get only something mediocre, that to me is a valid criticism. Likewise, if you're a fan of a book and go see the movie as part of your fandom, you're going to have certain expectations. If they aren't met, to me that's also a valid criticism.
Couldn't disagree more. It's not a valid criticism of the movie - it's a valid criticism of the people who over-rated it. The movie did nothing in that scenario to get criticised for.

Overall my issue is that the most common criticism of a movie these days is what other people rate it. Bad story, bad acting, bad effects, etc, are all the "fault" of the movie. Other people having a higher opinion of it than you is not. IMO

Whooping, squealing, screaming tv audiences at the start of a programme. Or, rather, the sound level given to them.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

^ Or whooping, squealing and screaming during a programme. When you are trying to watch something and can't hear what's happening because the audience is so loud...

Ahh, let's see...

- EA Games
- Microsoft
- Overpriced products
- Crappy products
- Badly designed software
- Everything pink (except that one thing...)
- Spoiled kids
- Stupid people
- Religious people
- People who want respect when they've done nothing to deserve it
- Shallow people
- Conformists
- Gullible people
- Show offs
- People who want to shove sport down my throat as if being fit was the most important thing in the world
- People who want to share their "wisdom" with others and try to force their way of life onto them.
- Electric cars and people who buy them
- Hybrid cars and people who buy them
- Pop stars
- About 90% of celebrities
- Having to get out of bed early
- Stupid TV shows and movies

Oh, and I'm also annoyed when the soda I bought is too sweet and has to be watered down.
Check out my blog: Yasashii's Retro Game Playground

Electric cars - Contrary to what some rich and ignorant people want to believe, electric cars are NOT the future. The realistic future is hydrogen and it's as simple as that. Electric cars are a marketing gimmick for people who want to show off how eco they are.

As for hybrids, they are less ridiculous but they too are for people who want to show off how eco they are. Let's take an example: Toyota Prius - The simple fact is that a VW Golf can be just as efficient but that's irrelevant because this car was made for people who want everyone else to think they are the smartest people in the world because they are eco.

And how does what other people buy or drive affect you?

I personally don't care what other people drive or why they've chosen that particular vehicle. How other people drive is a whole other story, though.

aaah, you see it does affect me and it does affect you as well.

This is how it works: if a number of people like a certain product, the people who made the product will make more products like that product.

So: if more and more people buy stupid cars, more stupid cars will be made. 99% of the society is made up of mindless conformists. If enough people buy these cars, people will start buying them massively because everyone else does, and so, years from now, you might find that you won't be able to buy a decent, normal car because it will no longer pay off to make them.

A lot of people think that just because they don't care about something, it doesn't affect them but unfortunately it's not true. Everything is connected.

aaah, you see it does affect me and it does affect you as well.

This is how it works: if a number of people like a certain product, the people who made the product will make more products like that product.

So: if more and more people buy stupid cars, more stupid cars will be made. 99% of the society is made up of mindless conformists. If enough people buy these cars, people will start buying them massively because everyone else does, and so, years from now, you might find that you won't be able to buy a decent, normal car because it will no longer pay off to make them.

A lot of people think that just because they don't care about something, it doesn't affect them but unfortunately it's not true. Everything is connected.

However, I'm in the 1% that hates conformity - having Asperger Syndrome really opened my eyes to the total **** we call Earth.

Well, that's a nice change. Most of the time when I point out things like that people go: "Naaah, you're just being grumpy".
Those people are trying to make you feel bad for what you believe in. Essentially called GASLIGHTING, they are trying to manipulate your mind in their general direction so you're easier to 'run over' in the future.

Be an original, don't die a copy (sheep) - David Icke.

Those people are trying to make you feel bad for what you believe in.
Or maybe they just disagree with him but aren't really interested in arguing it further.

Or maybe they think he's reading too much into what other people's actions mean, kind of like what you seem to be doing right now.

Or maybe they just disagree with him but aren't really interested in arguing it further.

Or maybe they think he's reading too much into what other people's actions mean, kind of like what you seem to be doing right now.
I have to look into things - especially certain people in my life with passive-aggressive and narcissistic personalities. If I let myself go around them, then they'd have me by the balls.

You have balls?

ETA - I forgot you said your name is Craig in your introduction post. You don't come off as male in your other posts.

Or maybe they just disagree with him but aren't really interested in arguing it further.

Or maybe they think he's reading too much into what other people's actions mean, kind of like what you seem to be doing right now.

Or maybe they don't want me to burst their bubble of the perfect world view they have: a world in which everything is perfect so long you don't care about it.

^Seriously. Doesn't that guy think that the Bush family and queen are some sort of amphibian species...
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

99% of the society is made up of mindless conformists.
I suppose you're different?

Those people are trying to make you feel bad for what you believe in. Essentially called GASLIGHTING, they are trying to manipulate your mind in their general direction so you're easier to 'run over' in the future.

Be an original, don't die a copy (sheep) - David Icke.
Seriously? David Icke?
And I hate to break it to you, but we are all individuals just like you. There is no big system of people that is "gaslighting" you or tries to manipulate your mind.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Or maybe they don't want me to burst their bubble of the perfect world view they have: a world in which everything is perfect so long you don't care about it.
Nothing in this world is perfect and everyone knows it. You're not exactly 'bursting a bubble' here.

Whether they actually care or not shouldn't be your concern. Otherwise you're a "person who wants to share his 'wisdom' with others and tries to force his way of life onto them." Your earlier post, however, literally states that you hate that kind of people, so I don't think you want to be like that.
That is of course, unless you want to hate yourself...