Which filmography do you choose?


You are condemned to life in prison and you have the opportunity to bring the entire filmography of a only director in the cell.
Which director do you choose?

I bring with me Hitchcock's filmography!

In order of priority:
1. Hitchcock.
2. Satyajit Ray
3. Kurasawa.

I'd probably choose a director whose work I've seen (whilst still having some unseen films) but do not fully understand.

Godard is the first that comes to mind, but to appreciate his films fully you need a whole lot more than just the films themselves. Therefore I'd probably pick Antonioni or Bunuel.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Bela Tarr, but given the pesimistic undertone of most of his films, I'd probably commit suicide being stranded in prison.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

This is tough, but I'd probably go with Stanley Kubrick or Tex Avery.
Tex Avery!! Now that is a name that we dont hear too often. But yes, come to think of it, he can be on my list. Loved his work!

That's because he didn't make feature length movies.
Doesn't matter to me! His body of work is still great!

Yeah.. you can say that. We should have a cartoon discussion sometime. HB, Disney, Nick, Cartoon Network.

I would need variety - if I watch a couple of serious films in a row I usually need to watch a horror or comedy movie to balance them. Kurosawa would be a good choice as there is variety in his films.

I think I may choose someone like Billy Wilder - lots of films, lots of styles. If not, maybe Takashi Miike - dozens of films including some that are just mindless entertainment.

I'm pretty sure we have threads like this one, but I agree with what Thomas P said. I wouldn't want a director where I've seen all his works, or even a majority for that matter. I'd either go with Hitchock since I know I love his film and there's plenty I still have to watch, but since I don't wanna jump on his bandwagon I guess I'd go with Fassbinder. I've only seen a couple of his movies, but there's a lot of them out there, and some are extremely long (Berlin Alexanderplatz). Maybe if prison was associated with a full filmography of a director and not anal rape I'd be less hesitant on committing crimes. Of course I recall Sexy Celebrity saying prison doesn't sound to bad.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it