What are you top five movies with U.S. presidents as major characters?


Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
I ask this to get an idea of some really good films focused on U.S. presidents. Right now, I'm majoring in education, with one area of expertise (for lack of better words) being history. As much as I love movies, though, I'm lacking in knowledge of fantastic movies of the topic at hand. Here's the ones I've seen that I thought were pretty good:


And I think that's it...and that's why I've asked you this question. I'm sure there are at least five decent films on the subject matter, yes? And if you can, can you make your own personal top five list of them?

W. and RFK are a couple. Don't know if W. is any good and only seen bits and pieces of RFK. Hyde Park or something like that is with Billy Murray playing FDR. Haven't seen that one either.

Got me thinking now about movies directly focused on presidents and their really haven't been too many. At least not to my knowledge. Nixon, RFK (really his just his murder case), George W Bush, FDR and Lincoln are the only presidents to have movies with the focal point being on them. Wonder why they have never made a George Washington movie. Seems like enough griping stuff to warrant a movie.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Jefferson in Paris - Thomas Jefferson
Give 'Em Hell, Harry! - Truman
Sunrise at Campobello - FDR
The President's Lady - Andrew Jackson
Tennessee Johnson - Andrew Johnson
Wilson - Woodrow Wilson
The Missiles of October & Thirteen Days - JFK
Secret Honor - Richard Nixon
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

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I ask this to get an idea of some really good films focused on U.S. presidents. Right now, I'm majoring in education, with one area of expertise (for lack of better words) being history. As much as I love movies, though, I'm lacking in knowledge of fantastic movies of the topic at hand. Here's the ones I've seen that I thought were pretty good:


And I think that's it...and that's why I've asked you this question. I'm sure there are at least five decent films on the subject matter, yes? And if you can, can you make your own personal top five list of them?
Does the movie have to be about the president, or just feature the president as one of the main characters?

“Hell will hold no surprises for you.”
Dr Strangelove (1964)
Lincoln (2012)
Air Force One (1997)
Absolute Power (1997)
Nixon (1995)

Honorable mention to Morgan Freeman as the President in Deep Impact as well.