Joker origin Movie


Figured this should have its own thread.

"Last week, news broke that WB was planning a Joker origin movie that would not be set in the current DCEU.

At the time we were told that the Todd Philips-helmed film would take influence from producer Martin Scorsese's early work such as Raging Bull and Taxi Driver, and now we might just have a few intriguing - if no doubt polarising - new details to add.

Former MMA fighter Brendan Schaub is friends with Phillips’ agent Todd Feldman, and while appearing on The Joe Rogan Experience (of all places) he revealed the following:

My boy Todd Feldman put this together with Todd Phillips. It’s dark. It’s like a dark Joker. As a kid, he had a permanent smile and everyone made fun of him. It’s like on the streets of Brooklyn. It’s super dark and real.

How much stock you decide to put into this is up to you - but there is a decent chance Schaub did hear a few tidbits relating to the project, which is only in the very early planning stages."

This might just do nobody any good.
Desperate move.

Sounds like they're going for something concrete but that just takes away from the character.

Preferably they'd take a similar route as Brian Azzarelo did with his one-off, giving us a small peak inside Joker's life through the eyes of a relatable henchman but, realistically, they'll try to give us Joker: The Life and Times.

Welcome to the human race...
It's always one step forward and two steps back with these people, isn't it?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Welcome to the human race...
Can't say that the presence of Todd Phillips is particularly promising. It's like DC execs tried asking themselves who was even more of a stereotypically dudebro filmmaker than either Zack Snyder or David Ayer.

Can't say that the presence of Todd Phillips is particularly promising. It's like DC execs tried asking themselves who was even more of a stereotypically dudebro filmmaker than either Zack Snyder or David Ayer.
I haven't seen War Dogs yet, but I hear good things

Welcome to the human race...
It's an extremely passable Wolf of Wall Street knock-off with very little to recommend about it - even so, it might still be his best (out of the few I've seen, anyway).

If only Todd Phillips were to take a page or two from Hated (1993), then you would have me warming the seats of my local theater on more than one occasion. Unfortunately, the odds of that are less than zero.

Everything i've read about this has made sure to highlight Scorsese's involvement as if he's going to play a massive part in this. I doubt it. The first place i read it i kind of skimmed over and initially had the impression Scorsese was directing because Todd Phillips was like an afterthought.

This might just do nobody any good.
According to THR, WB is hoping to use Marty as a lure for Leo.

I'd be interested in seeing what Leo does with the role. At this point I think it's safe to say the worst is over. Can't possibly get any worse than a Joker straight out of Hot Topic. Bring on the Caprio.

Not even Scorsese could get me excited for this. DC Animated movie studio managed to screw up The Killing Joke, so this can only be worse.

Then again you skip the first half hour, then The Killing Joke is awesome!

This might just do nobody any good.
Can we replace Phillips with, I don’t know, The Safdies or something?

Can we replace Phillips with, I don’t know, The Safdies or something?

That would be so amazing. Oh my God. I need to stop thinking about this.

Phoenix as the Joker (seeing how Infinity Wars is in its pre-release still perfect form ) is what I movie want more than anything else.

The war between Joker movies can officially begin.

If $55 mil is a small budget, what are we calling the budget for the Spawn movie? Pocket lint?