Wanna ask Bruce Campbell something?


Lets put a smile on that block
Ask him if he has any super powers in the upcoming Sky High and if so does he get to use them on Kurt Russels face?
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

I have no questions. I just wanted to say that I've seen him in person before - at Horrorfind in Baltimore, MD, 2002. He and some of the lovely ladies from Evil Dead read from the script. But I didn't actually meet him and get an autograph. I'm not really an Evil Dead fan. Though I did see most of Bubba Hotep not too long ago, and enjoyed his performance.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally Posted by blibblobblib
Ask him if he has any super powers in the upcoming Sky High and if so does he get to use them on Kurt Russels face?
I second this.
Horror's Not Dead
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The interview went quite well, though it ended up going in a different direction. Given how most of the questions here seem rather tongue-in-cheek anyway, no big deal, I'd imagine.

The two of them talked for about 30 minutes, mostly about how the film industry is becoming less centralized. Pretty interesting stuff; I'll see if I can get it digitized and posted over the weekend.

I just know they're coming to kill me.
Oh, man. I'm too late to ask my question!

I always wondered if Matt Dillon was his long-lost son or something like it...

Everything I do, I do to make my second stepdad proud.

D'oh. Seeing Bruce in Spider-Man 3 this weekend made me think of this, and lament the fact that I probably don't have the digitized version anymore. Me am dumb. It was such a great interview, too.

It's probably too late but if I could ask Bruce Campbell questions, there they are:
Since you're into all the zombie flicks, why can ghosts walk through walls and solid objects but don't fall through the floors? And what about Jewish zombies -- are they afraid of crosses or Stars of David? Just curious. Hail to the King.

next spiderman movie he will appear in?