2016 Mofo Film Awards - The Nominations


Love I, Daniel Blake so much. Suspect says it is mandatory viewing, he wanted me to let you know. Just remembered now
This was my 20000th post. Exactly how i envisioned it. So majestic

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
This was my 20000th post. Exactly how i envisioned it. So majestic
4 years and 20,000 posts.

I'm almost 12 years and 12,300 posts.

Either you post too much, or I post too little.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
If I've seen so few movies I just nominated Captain America: Civil War for everything, that's fine, right?
Sub a different film and your list would fit in with some others.

Can I nominate the same person (same role) for Best Actor and Supporting Actor if I can't figure out which one best suits their role?

Also, I was able to see I, Daniel Blake. Great film. There may or may not have been something in my eye towards the end there.

Can I nominate the same person (same role) for Best Actor and Supporting Actor if I can't figure out which one best suits their role?

Also, I was able to see I, Daniel Blake. Great film. There may or may not have been something in my eye towards the end there.
How did you see I, Daniel Blake. I would love to check it out before Sunday. The list of things to see before Sunday is really growing.

Also, I was able to see I, Daniel Blake. Great film. There may or may not have been something in my eye towards the end there.

WARNING: "i, daniel blake" spoilers below
The end really got to me even though i knew it was going to happen within the first 15 minutes of the film. Think it was the circumstances; the bit of hope he got, and just the general change for the better overall with Katie back in his life having improved herself too, then it ends that way. I had something in my eye too i think, weird coincidence.

I would love to check it out before Sunday. The list of things to see before Sunday is really growing.
You should! I sent you a PM.

WARNING: "i, daniel blake" spoilers below
The end really got to me even though i knew it was going to happen within the first 15 minutes of the film. Think it was the circumstances; the bit of hope he got, and just the general change for the better overall with Katie back in his life having improved herself too, then it ends that way. I had something in my eye too i think, weird coincidence.
WARNING: "I, Daniel Blake" spoilers below
Yes, what a strange coincidence! haha
You can see the ending coming a mile away, but it still had an emotional impact. And I think that speaks to the quality of a film when something entirely expected happens, but you still care. That scene where he goes to talk to Katie after finding out about the escort service was similar as well, and also effectively tugged at the heartstrings a little.

You should! I sent you a PM.

WARNING: "I, Daniel Blake" spoilers below
Yes, what a strange coincidence! haha
You can see the ending coming a mile away, but it still had an emotional impact. And I think that speaks to the quality of a film when something entirely expected happens, but you still care. That scene where he goes to talk to Katie after finding out about the escort service was similar as well, and also effectively tugged at the heartstrings a little.

WARNING: "i, daniel blake" spoilers below
The food bank scene too. That was horrifying and so depressing.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Can I nominate the same person (same role) for Best Actor and Supporting Actor if I can't figure out which one best suits their role?
Hmmmm, don't think anyone's asked that before.

I'm inclined to say pick one, whichever you feel fits better.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Keep bumping it, with the new arrivals the board has gotten busier and it's easy for a thread to get overlooked. Maybe a mass PMing would help get more list?
Been thinking about it, but then I got to keep track of who I pm'd and I can only pm so many people at once and blah blah blah.

I'll probably try that this weekend.

I know this isn't Top 100 Sci/Fi Countdown banner worthy.

I'm definitely not going to be able to watch all of the ones I wanted to, but I did make an early list, and I plan to watch at least Arrival, and The Red Turtle since it's coming to a theater close by this week. Maybe Loving, and The Edge of Seventeen, and a few other random 2016 movies I can find on Amazon Prime, or Netflix that I'm interested in.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
If I don't see at least one film nominated for Best Picture that is NOT nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars, I'll be a little disappointed.