I saw that in a movie, so I had to do it too


I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
I had ideas for an Indiana Jones sequel and a Twister sequel.

I started writing the Indy sequel - I killed Short Round (grown up) off in the first ten pages. Basically the plot had the Russians using the Spear of Destiny and genetic engineering to create a Russian super soldier. Part of the plot had them find and enter the labyrinth of Minos to steal Zeus' shield, Aegis. They would have been fighting a 20 foot tall Minotaur.

I maintain my story was and still is better than the last two piece of crap sequels they made.

I only had an idea for Twister that had to do with them using technology to "dissipate" tornadoes but I never actually wrote the script. But it kind of sounds like that's what they're doing in the new movie.

I had an idea for Ghostbusters as well, where the OG Busters take on a new, younger crew under their wings. It would have featured a ghost version of Venkman who tries to get his son, Oscar, to become a better person before he can move on.

It ideally would have had Seth Rogen as Oscar, Jay Baruchel as Egon's awkward but genius intern, Kevin Hart as Winston's protege (who is afraid of anything that moves and is trying to get over his fears) and Ray's daughter - probably Krysten Ritter or Aubrey Plaza - as a former corporate viper who begrudgingly joins the team when her father has a non-fatal heart attack. Alas, it was not meant to happen. Plus Ramis died, which put a big crimp in the idea.
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

Noooooooooooo you can't kill off Short Round!

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
Noooooooooooo you can't kill off Short Round!

Probably would have killed off Willie later in the movie. He her get shot by Russians.

The title of this thread spoke to me and I know I have an answer but I'm drawing a blank as to what it is, but when I think of it, I will come back here.

I've mentioned this before but I never throw a hat on a bed since watching Drugstore Cowboy.

When I was a kid I read (and saw) Jurassic Park and then almost immediately sat down and started to write my own version of the same story. I got several pages in and it was a total rip-off. I was like maybe 10.
This reminds me of when I started writing science fiction (I was maybe 12)...

I look back on it now (still have some of the writings) and it's downright embarrassing as it all just seems like an amalgam of Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Space 1999, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Buck Rogers in the 25th century, Lost in Space, Quark, Space Academy, Jason of Star Command (and whatever else was on TV or in the movies at the time).

When I was 5, I'm told that after seeing one of the Superman iterations, I fashioned a cape and tried to jump off the porch railing. Fortunately, someone saw me and took away my cape.