Is Die Hard a XMAS movie?


J.A.R.V.I.S., drop my needle
Lots of debates over this question........

I personally think Die Hard IS in fact a XMAS movie. Due to the fact it takes place during a XMAS party!!! Another point is during the scene when John sends a dead body the elevator (Tony). Tony is seen wearing a Santa hat with “Now I have machine gun. Ho, ho, ho” on his shirt! What do you guys think?

You could search Die Hard first, on the search button, instead of making a random thread in the wrong section, thank you

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I would say it depends on how you define a Christmas movie. It's a how long is a piece of string question . For me, a Christmas movie is one that has Christmas themes, and not just a Christmas setting, like Die Hard.

If Die Hard counts as a Christmas movie, does that mean a movie like say, Eyes Wide Shut is a Christmas movie as well?

I've never quite understood the curiosity of people wanting to have this defined.

I've never quite understood the curiosity of people wanting to have this defined.

I think that this is whimsy. Kind of like the old question of fighting a duck-sized horse.

I think that this is whimsy. Kind of like the old question of fighting a duck-sized horse.
Or slapping a midget

1. This definitely has a thread here somewhere.

2. People do it for the reaction.

3. Refer to #2. It drives me F’n Crazy! I have friends that I don’t question over political stances, vaccine status, jargo wearing…but I will write them off because of this.

No one in their deepest, darkest, private moments ever believes this is a Christmas movie. One can only hope, if there is a heaven, when you talk to Peter, this is the question he asks and you are bound to the lie you lived on earth.

So, yeah. People ask this question because it evokes a response where I’ll tell someone they can “Go to…!”

I think people can categorize it however they want. I don't see how it affects anyone if someone sees it as such, or viceversa.

But, I would be remiss if I didn't defer to these two podcast episodes where I talk about it

Thief's Monthly Movie Loot - Special Episode III (Die Hard)

Film for Thought - Episode 4 - Die Hard (with John and Carlo)

So I have fun with the discussion, but I don't see how or why people get worked up about this.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

This will be the hill I die on and get banned from this community for.

Before this exercise, whenever anyone was ever asked to define a Christmas movie, it was never “The second-best action movie in a franchise that happens to take place during Christmas”. See how that works?

You can say everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it’s like an opinion that “white is a color”.

I can never take anyone serious on trying to argue how this qualifies as a Xmas movie. No one, irl, if this had any stakes or ramifications on their well-being, would say yes.

I can never take anyone serious on trying to argue how this qualifies as a Xmas movie..
Best I can do is a "meh." I can't even get motivated enough to contrarily troll as if I really thought it was Christmas movie. If someone calls it a Christmas movie with a grin, I don't really care all that much. If it is part of your holiday tradition, good on 'ya cowboy. How do you Americans say? Yippie Ky-Yay Muhddafugga. But I don't think it's a Western either, even though it mentions Roy Rogers.

J.A.R.V.I.S., drop my needle
This will be the hill I die on and get banned from this community for.

Before this exercise, whenever anyone was ever asked to define a Christmas movie, it was never “The second-best action movie in a franchise that happens to take place during Christmas”. See how that works?

You can say everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it’s like an opinion that “white is a color”.

I can never take anyone serious on trying to argue how this qualifies as a Xmas movie. No one, irl, if this had any stakes or ramifications on their well-being, would say yes.
I see your thinking but this doesn't just take place during XMAS. It embraces it! Lots of festive things throughout the movie like XMAS music playing a lot, people giving gifts, it snowing at the end (last snow in la during the time of the movie was 1962). Also after some research I found the screenwriter confirm it was a XMAS movie!

I would say it depends on how you define a Christmas movie. It's a how long is a piece of string question . For me, a Christmas movie is one that has Christmas themes, and not just a Christmas setting, like Die Hard.

If Die Hard counts as a Christmas movie, does that mean a movie like say, Eyes Wide Shut is a Christmas movie as well?

I watch Eyes Wide Shut every year during the Christmas season. I consider it a tradition at this point.

Since this question has been asked on various threads so many times... how about the question: what other movies take place on a holiday, yet are not considered a holiday movie?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I have a question about Die Hard that I was not able to figure out. In the book, the main character's name is Joe Leland but for the movie, they changed it to John McClane. I noticed that that name sounds kind of like the director's name John McTiernan. Did the director want to give the main character a name similar to his own, intentionally?

I have a question about Die Hard that I was not able to figure out. In the book, the main character's name is Joe Leland but for the movie, they changed it to John McClane. I noticed that that name sounds kind of like the director's name John McTiernan. Did the director want to give the main character a name similar to his own, intentionally?
The name was changed in the screenplay originally to John Matrix.

John Matrix is Schwarzenegger's name in Commando.
The screenplay was originally purposed as a sequel to Commando, but was repurposed to be its own movie, so they just changed Matrix, to McClane.