Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
i guess it all depends on how you rate a film. Do you favour attempts at originality over entertainment value. Annihilation had bland characters, an ambiguous storyline with half baked concepts but it was still introducing unique concepts whereas Interstellar has emotionally engaging content and characters, beautiful cinematography and score and...wait a minute it also has a unique concept that is explored and explained....ok its just perfect then.

Did you like it more that Arrival and Interstellar? I know you liked Arrival fairly well. How would you rate those:

I'd rate:
I'd rank them in same order as you. I think Interstellar is Nolan's best film and probably only good one in my opinion. Arrival was good too but with smaller margin (it got worse in the end but not outrageously enough for it to ruin the film). Arrival is clearly weaker than the two others but I don't **** on it as much as you do.

Interstellar 4/5
Arrival 3.5/5
Annihilation 2/5

Cate Blanchett is just great
This is true . I haven't seen Blue Jasmine but I should – I'd be interested to see Sally Hawkins as well.

I really love psychological thrillers and this one has got to be right up there with some of the very best of them.

"It's too bad she won't live...But then again, who does?" - Gaff

I really love psychological thrillers and this one has got to be right up there with some of the very best of them.

They've made Ralph (you can't hear me but I'm saying it as RALF ) look like the Alien there haven't they?

I preferred Manhunter I must say. There are good bits about Red Dragon, and Ralph Fiennes is top of that list.

This might just do nobody any good.
On some level I do enjoy Philip Seymour Hoffman’s spaced out “oh you’re gonna kill me? Cool.” performance.

13th viewing in a month.

One of the best and underrated comedies. The best is Alec who play 9 roles onw of which a woman, which was insane in 1949.

So let's see how he cut down a family tree.

1. An arrogant prick whom he released down a waterfall.
2. Adrunk
3. The family fool who of course became a priest
4. An admiral

He went overboards miles away even for my wickwdness. But fate is even more wicked.

The idiot crushed into another ship and admirally refused to leave a sinking ship

5. A general who tells the same war story over again and gets blown up in a restaurant.

Not an atom was left of him.

6. A women rights fighter who every now and then gets caught by police and she is in prison even further from his reach. But one sunday there was a parade and off she goes in a baloon. But not for long. We see him shot from a profile caricaturaly as he arches an arrow

Finally, Lord Ascoyne D'Ascoyne dies from the shock of learning that he has become the ninth duke

Hell, we even have a marriage at a trial.

In the ebd he gets convicted for the only one he didn't kill.


Trouble with a capital "T"
i guess it all depends on how you rate a film. Do you favour attempts at originality over entertainment value.
That's true...for me I value both. A movie could be great just for it's originality or just for it's entertainment value, or have both qualities.

Annihilation had bland characters, an ambiguous storyline with half baked concepts but it was still introducing unique concepts
Agreed with all that....You know what? I really liked the concept of the shimmer and was disappointed the film didn't take it more seriously. I think if another film maker had done a script rewrite and directed the actors to really act like their lives were in intimate danger, then the film could have been pretty great.

I really laughed at the ending
WARNING: "ending" spoilers below
When we see Lena (Natalie Portman) and her husband's eyes glow, how unoriginal I would have ended slightly different.
Original end scene dialogue when Lena and Kane are reunited:
You aren't Kane... are you?

I don't think so. Are you Lena?

I'd change the dialogue slightly which would give the ending a whole different meaning, like this:

You aren't Kane...are you?

I don't think so...but I know one thing, I sill love you.

Lena then pauses for a brief second and stares at the new Kane.
Then with a look of acceptances on her face Lena embraces her husband. (no glowing eyes in my version)

That would be a goose bump moment and reflect the idea that whatever happened in the shimmer could be about a new beginning.

Welcome to the human race...

Last movie watched...

Camera Buff -

can't tell if this movie making me want to pick up a camera and film stuff is missing the point or not
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

The Artist (2011)

I won't dance. Don't ask me...

The collection of short stories about women in different age, which names start with "O". The movie is inspired with folk beliefs and magic.
When I started to watch I thought it would be too surrealistic for me, but it turned out ok.

Snooze factor rating = Z

[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it

To my taste, this was one of the best films of the new millennia. It was so well done, and so well acted, that I thought for sure it would promote the making of additional new silent films. An unforgettable film.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

Mara (Clive Tonge, 2018):

A Nightmare on Elm Street and The Ring inspired director Tonge, who makes his feature film directorial debut, to craft this story of a police psychologist whose investigation of a simple murder leads to her discovering a demonic presence (the titular Mara) who attacks people slowly in their sleep. Former Bond girl Olga Kurylenko is against type. Most are used to her Bond girl/sexy femme fatale looks, but this elevated her status as an actress IMO, going for a more normal look that goes more downward as the film progresses.
It's All About the Movies